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D&D token (evil tree)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
D&D token (familiarisation)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
D&D token (fish flingers)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
D&D token (god statues)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
D&D token (penguin hide and seek)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.0 gpNoYes
D&D token (phoenix lair)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
D&D token (shooting star)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---YesYes
D&D token (sinkholes)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. ---NoYes
D&D token (tears of guthix)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
D&D token (the circus)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
D&D token (the pit)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
D&D token (troll invasion)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Daconia rockSearch the roots in the Tree Gnome Stronghold dungeon.---YesYes
Daemoncap zygomiteResult of checking a Daemoncap zygomite (unchecked); Result of breeding Arcspore zygomite and/or Zanarian zygomite at Player-Owned Farms.0 gpNoYes
Daemoncap zygomite (unchecked)Chance to obtain from Adam Antite or Callia.186.1k gpNoYes
Daemonheim aura 1Claimed from the Dungeoneering Tutor after completing the Easy Daemonheim task set.---NoYes
Daemonheim aura 2Claimed from the Rewards Trader after completing the Medium Daemonheim task set.---NoYes
Daemonheim aura 3Claimed from Talsar after completing the Hard Daemonheim task set.---NoYes
Daemonheim aura 4Claimed from the Thok after completing the Elite Daemonheim task set.---NoYes
Daemonheim shardObtained when training Dungeoneering after a player has reached level 99.---NoYes
Daeyalt oreMeiyerditch mine.---NoYes
Dagannoth bonesDropped by Dagannoth Prime, Supreme, and Rex. Also a reward from the Dominion Tower.10,000 gpNoYes
Dagannoth eggMonster drop.---NoYes
Dagannoth hideMonster drop.3,139 gpNoYes
Dagannoth Kings teleport Monster Drop.1,925 gpNoYes
Dagannoth ribsKill a Dagannoth after the Rag and Bone Man quest. ---YesYes
Dagannoth scaleMonster drop.---NoYes
Dagger (class 1)Made during the Stealing Creation mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Dagger (class 2)Obtained in the Stealing Creation mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Dagger (class 3)Obtained during the Stealing Creation mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Dagger (class 4)Obtained during the Stealing Creation mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Dagger (class 5)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Dagger keyFound in the prison beneath the mansion.---YesNo
Dagon'hai hatFound inside a wardrobe located inside the caverns beneath the Black Knights' Fortress during the While Guthix Sleeps; Monster drop.426.6k gpYesYes
Dagon'hai historyFound on the West bookcase in the North Eastern corner of the Varrock Library.---YesYes
Dagon'hai robe bottomIn a wardrobe closet located inside the caverns beneath the Black Knights' Fortress during the While Guthix Sleeps quest.45.0k gpYesYes
Dagon'hai robe topIn a wardrobe closet located inside the caverns beneath the Black Knight's Fortress during the While Guthix Sleeps quest.70.0k gpYesYes
Dagon'hai robes setThe Grand Exchange.711.9k gpNoYes
DalmatianObtained from growing a Dalmatian puppy.---NoNo
Dalmatian puppyPurchased from Pet Shops.---NoNo
Damaged armourRandom result of Trawler fishing, Digsite digging, opening orge coffins, searching crates/boxes/sacks, or pickpocketing from H.A.M members.---NoYes
Damaged book (Ancient)Bought from Jossik in the Rellekka Lighthouse.---YesYes
Damaged book (Armadyl)Bought from Jossik in the Rellekka Lighthouse.---YesYes
Damaged book (Bandos)Bought from Jossik in the Rellekka Lighthouse.---YesYes
Damaged book (Guthix)Bought from Jossik in the Rellekka Lighthouse.---YesYes
Damaged book (Saradomin)Bought from Jossik in the Rellekka Lighthouse.---YesYes
Damaged book (Zamorak)Bought from Jossik in the Rellekka Lighthouse.---YesYes
Damaged chitinDropped by Exiled kalphites.---NoYes
Damaged daggerSearching bushes outside of Watchtower, north Yanille.---YesYes
Damaged dinosaur hideMonster Drop.---NoYes
Damaged soul beaconPlayer Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Damaged soul beacon (base)Obtained from Standing stone debris at the Memorial to Guthix.---YesYes
Damaged soul beacon (core)Obtained from Runic debris at the Memorial to Guthix.---YesYes
Damp clothGiven to you by Koftik in the Underground Pass dungeon.---YesYes
Damp planksGiven to you by Olaf Hradson, northeast of Rellekka.---YesYes
Damp shardObtained when training Fishing after a player has reached level 99.---NoYes
Damp sticksFishing Platform (north-east side).---YesYes
Damp tinderboxAppears in your inventory after going down the Elevator Shaft in the Haunted Mine quest if you have a tinderbox with you. It becomes damp because you are in water.0 gpYesYes
Dancer outfit tokenPossible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (March 2018) or bought with Runecoins in one of the Spring Fayre shops; Won from Treasure Hunter.8,746 gpNoNo
Dareeyak teleportPlayer Made (See Notes).3,616 gpNoYes
Dark animicaObtained by Mining Dark animica rocks.7,150 gpNoYes
Dark animica stone spiritObtained from mining Dark animica rocks; Monster Drop.528 gpNoYes
Dark arrowPlayer made (See Notes Section).69 gpNoYes
Dark arrowheadsMonster drop.794 gpNoYes
Dark beast assignment tokenTaken from the Motherlode Maw inside the Edimmu Resource Dungeon (requires 115 Dungeoneering and at least level 95 in all skills); Obtained from Wythien in exchange for 10 Crystal motherlode shards or an Unfocused reward enhancer.---NoYes
Dark blue afroBought from Party Pete, in the Falador Party Room, for 50gp. ---NoNo
Dark bodyMonster drop.---NoYes
Dark bootsRare prize from Treasure hunter.---NoNo
Dark bowMonster drop.151.6k gpNoYes
Dark brown afroBought from Party Pete, in the Falador Party Room, for 50gp. ---NoNo
Dark cavalierPossible reward from a Reward casket (hard).1.2m gpNoNo
Dark chestplateRare prize from Treasure hunter.---NoNo
Dark daggerGiven to you by Echned Zekin in the dungeon below the Kharazi Jungle.---YesYes
Dark glovesRare prize from Treasure hunter.---NoNo
Dark green afroBought from Party Pete, in the Falador Party Room, for 50gp. ---NoNo