Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- Dig Sites
- Collections
- Research Team
- Mysteries
- Monolith
- Ancient Invention
- Ancient Summoning
- Capes of Accomplishment
As with any skill, there are several basics which are needed to understand what you will be doing. With Archaeology, these can be summed up as Excavating, Screening, and Repairing. The coming sections will tell you more about these features of the skill.
In order to be able to train the Archaeology skill, you will first need to complete the tutorial. This can be done in a handful of steps as seen below. Make sure you have at least 17 empty spaces before you begin.
- Speak to Acting Guildmaster Reiniger at the Archaeology Campus East of Varrock. She will give you Archaeologist’s tools and a Bronze mattock then instruct you on how to begin excavating.
- Walk North of her and click on the "Senntisten soil" hotspot. Here you will obtain soil, materials, and an artefact once your bar reaches 25/25. Once you have these items, return to Reiniger and she will instruct you to screen the Senntisten soil.
- Walk West of her to the screening pit and click any one of the screening stations. Which one you choose does not matter. Screening the soil will provide you with materials that were missed during your excavation. When you have screened all of your soil, return to Reiginier.
- With your materials and artefact she will tell you to go to the Archaeologist’s workbench to restore the Centurion's dress sword (damaged). The workbench can be found North West of the sifters, directly North of the monolith. On the Eastern side of the bench is a Material storage container where you can store materials used to repair artefacts. With your fully restored Centurion's dress sword, you can return to Reiniger and show her or head directly to the collector, Velucia, in front of the Archaeology Guild.
- Velucia will trade you the Centurion's dress sword for a Relic. When you have completed the exchange, return to Reiniger and you will tell her about how it is drawing you toward the monolith. She will instruct you to go to the monolith, but to be careful.
- Walk West to the monolith and interact with it. A cutscene will occur and in the end Reiniger will remark how you were not pulled in. The Relic/Monolith interface will open and you will charge the Font of Life relic to make it active. Reiginer will speak with you briefly before instructing you to meet her in the Guild.
- Walk into the building to the West and you will find her at the desk near the entrance. She will give you a very brief tour of the lower floor before instructing you to grab an Archaeological soil box from Ezreal.
- Ezreal can be found in the North West corner of the guild hall. When you have obtained the Archaeological soil box, return to Reiginer and she will give you an Archaeology journal before awarding you with the Intern qualification and suggesting you check out the Kharid-et Dig Site.
Congratulations, Tutorial complete! And now you are an Intern.
The main activity for Archaeology is Excavation. During this process you can obtain one of six soil types, depending upon what type of hotspot you are investigating, materials to repair artefacts, and damaged artefacts. To begin excavating, you will need to click on a hotspot at any one of the Dig sites. Hotspots can be identified by mounds of dirt that have blue sparkles above it. Once they are investigated, the mounds will open up and you will know what type of hotspot you are dealing with. Hotspots are found in sets of 3 or more, so when you open one, they will all open.
Now that you know what type of hotspot you are excavating, you will also know: the level requirements, materials excavated, and damaged artefacts you can find. In total, there are about 65 different hotspots that can be excavated. See the table below to see which ones you can access at what level.
When excavating, be sure to bring your Archaeological soil box. This is used to hold soils that you have collected, enabling you to remain at the dig sites longer. Many locations within the sites also have Material carts where you can deposit materials instead of leaving or using porters. If using porters, it is highly recommended to use them in conjunction with a Grace of the elves.
As you are digging, you will notice a small glowing ball swirling above one of the dig sites. This is the Time sprite that works similar to Rockertunities. Unlike Rockertunities, the Time sprite is a constant thing while excavating. It simply moves around the hotspots of that type so you will need to follow it if you want its benefits.
When you excavate a location where the Time sprite is, you will notice an icon on your buff bar that will increase 2% every 4 ticks. This buff will also decrease by 2% every 4 ticks if you are digging at a hotspot where the Time sprite is not at or by 1% if you are not digging at all. Benefits for digging at a location where the Time sprite is are as follows:
- 1% Focus - Gain 10% more Archaeology experience
- 40% Focus - Gain another 10% more Archaeology experience (+20% total) and your Mattock precision is increased by 10%
- 100% Focus - On your next action, your Mattock precision is doubled (2x) and you are guaranteed to obtain a Material. Your Focus will then reduce to 60% and begin to increase/decrease as normal.
- At level 43, your precision will triple (3x) instead of double
- At level 82, your precision will quadruple (4x) instead of triple
- At level 101, your precision will quintuple (5x) instead of quadruple
Note that if you begin excavating a hotspot and leave before obtaining your artefact, your progress will not be lost. It will remain where it was left even if you begin to excavate another hotspot. When you return, you will resume where you left off.
Level | Hotspot | Dig Site | Artefacts | Materials | ||
Experience | Item | Experience | Item | |||
1 | Centurion remains (Tutorial only) |
Varrock Dig Site | 80 | - Centurion's dress sword (damaged) | 8 | - Imperial iron - Purpleheart wood |
5 | Venator remains | Kharid-et | 70 | - Venator dagger (damaged) - Venator light crossbow (damaged) |
6.4 | - Third Age iron - Zarosian insignia |
12 | Legionary remains | Kharid-et | 104 | - Legionary gladius (damaged) - Legionary square shield (damaged) - Primis Elementis standard (damaged) |
9.3 | - Imperial steel - Samite silk - Third Age iron |
17 | Castra debris | Kharid-et | 109 | - Zaros effigy (damaged) - Zarosian training dummy (damaged) |
9.8 | - Samite silk - Third Age iron - White oak - Zarosian insignia |
20 | Lodge bar debris | Infernal Source | 112 | - Hookah pipe (damaged) - Opulent wine goblet (damaged) |
10 | - Goldrune - Orthenglass - Third Age iron |
24 | Lodge art storage | Infernal Source | 116 | - Crest of Dagon (damaged) - 'Disorder' painting (damaged) |
10.4 | - Cadmium red - Samite silk - Vellum - White oak |
25 | Administratum debris | Kharid-et | 126 | - Legatus Maximus figurine (damaged) - 'Solem in Umbra' painting (damaged) |
11.2 | - Ancient vis - Goldrune - Tyrian purple - Zarosian insignia |
29 | Cultist footlocker | Infernal Source | 131 | - Greater demon mask (damaged) - Imp mask (damaged) - Lesser demon mask (damaged) |
11.8 | - Chaotic brimstone - Demonhide - Leather scraps - Third Age iron |
36 | Sacrificial altar | Infernal Source | 157 | - Order of Dis robes (damaged) - Ritual dagger (damaged) |
14.2 | - Cadmium red - Eye of Dagon - Goldrune - Hellfire metal |
42 | Prodromoi remains | Everlight | 171 | - 'Frying pan' (damaged) - Hallowed lantern (damaged) |
15.3 | - Keramos - Third Age iron - White marble |
45 | Dis dungeon debris | Infernal Source | 178 | - Branding iron (damaged) - Manacles (damaged) |
16 | - Chaotic brimstone - Eye of Dagon - Hellfire metal - Third Age iron |
47 | Praesidio remains | Kharid-et | 184 | - Ancient timepiece (damaged) - Legatus pendant (damaged) |
16.5 | - Ancient vis - Goldrune - Imperial steel - Third Age iron |
48 | Monoceros remains | Everlight | 189 | - Ceremonial unicorn ornament (damaged) - Ceremonial unicorn saddle (damaged) |
17 | - Cobalt blue - Keramos - Leather scraps |
51 | Amphitheatre debris | Everlight | 190 | - Everlight harp (damaged) - Everlight trumpet (damaged) - Everlight violin (damaged) |
17.2 | - Everlight silvthril - Goldrune - Star of Saradomin - White oak |
56 | Ceramics studio debris | Everlight | 198 | - Folded-arm figurine (female)(damaged) - Folded-arm figurine (male)(damaged) |
17.8 | - Goldrune - White marble |
58 | Carcerem debris | Kharid-et | 201 | - 'Incite Fear' spell scroll (damaged) - Pontifex signet ring (damaged) |
18 | - Ancient vis - Blood of Orcus - Goldrune - Vellum |
61 | Stadio debris | Everlight | 224 | - Dominion discus (damaged) - Dominion javelin (damaged) - Dominion pelte shield (damaged) |
20.2 | - Keramos - Samite silk - Star of Saradomin - Third Age iron |
65 | Infernal art | Infernal Source | 249 | - 'Lust' metal sculpture (damaged) - 'The Lake of Fire' painting (damaged) |
22.2 | - Cadmium red - Goldrune - Samite silk - White oak |
68 | Shakroth remains | Infernal Source | 289 | - Chaos star (damaged) - Spiked dog collar (damaged) |
26 | - Chaotic brimstone - Hellfire metal - Leather scraps - Third Age iron |
69 | Dominion games podium | Everlight | 290 | - Bronze Dominion medal (damaged) - Dominion torch (damaged) - Silver Dominion medal (damaged) |
26.2 | - Everlight silvthril - Goldrune - Orthenglass - Star of Saradomin |
70 | Ikovian memorial | Stormguard Citadel | 299 | - Ikovian gerege (damaged) - Toy glider (damaged) - Toy war golem (damaged) |
26.9 | - Stormguard steel - Third Age iron - White oak - Wings of War |
72 | Oikos studio debris | Everlight | 308 | - Decorative vase (damaged) - Kantharos cup (damaged) - Patera bowl (damaged) |
27.7 | - Cobalt blue - Everlight silvthril - Keramos - White marble |
74 | Kharid-et chapel debris | Kharid-et | 335 | - Ceremonial mace (damaged) - 'Consensus ad Idem' painting (damaged) - Pontifex Maximus figurine (damaged) |
30 | - Goldrune - Third Age iron - Tyrian purple - White oak |
76 | Gladitorial goblin remains | Warforge | 351 | - Ekeleshuun blinder mask (damaged) - Narogoshuun 'Hob-da-Gob' ball (damaged) - Rekeshuun war tether (damaged) |
31.6 | - Malachite green - Mark of the Kyzaj - Vulcanised rubber - Warforged bronze |
76 | Keshik ger | Stormguard Citadel | 351 | - Avian song-egg player (damaged) - Keshik drum (damaged) - Morin khuur (damaged) |
31.6 | - Animal furs - Armadylean yellow - Leather scraps - White oak |
81 | Crucible stands debris | Warforge | 422 | - Ogre kyzaj axe (damaged) - Ork cleaver sword (damaged) |
37.9 | - Fossilised bone - Mark of the Kyzaj - Warforged bronze |
81 | Pontifex remains | Kharid-et | 422 | - Pontifex censer (damaged) - Pontifex crozier (damaged) - Pontifex mitre (damaged) |
37.9 | - Ancient vis - Goldrune - Zarosian insignia |
81 | Animal trophies | Infernal Source | 422 | - Larupia trophy (damaged) - Lion trophy (damaged) - She-wolf trophy (damaged) |
37.9 | - Animal furs - Cadmium red - Chaotic brimstone - Orthenglass |
81 | Tailory debris | Stormguard Citadel | 422 | - Aviansie dreamcoat (damaged) - Ceremonial plume (damaged) - Peacocking parasol (damaged) |
37.9 | - Animal furs - Armadylean yellow - Goldrune - Samite silk |
83 | Goblin dorm debris | Warforge | 452 | - Thorobshuun battle standard (damaged) - Yurkolgokh stink grenade (damaged) |
40.5 | - Malachite green - Vulcanised rubber - White oak - Yu'biusk clay |
84 | Oikos fishing hut remnants | Everlight | 478 | - Dominarian device (damaged) - Fishing trident (damaged) |
40.5 | - Everlight silvthril - Goldrune - Star of Saradomin - Third Age iron |
85 | Weapons research debris | Stormguard Citadel | 491 | - Hawkeye lens multi-vision scope (damaged) - Talon-3 razor wing (damaged) |
44.2 | - Aetherium alloy - Orthenglass - Stormguard steel - Wings of War |
86 | Orcus altar | Kharid-et | 537 | - 'Exsanguinate' spell scroll (damaged) - Necromantic focus (damaged) |
48.3 | - Ancient vis - Blood of Orcus - Imperial steel - Vellum |
89 | Dis overspill | Infernal Source | 576 | - 'Pandemonium' tapestry (damaged) - 'Torment' metal sculpture (damaged) |
51.9 | - Cadmium red - Eye of Dagon - Hellfire metal - Third Age iron |
89 | Big High War God shrine | Warforge | 576 | - High priest crozier (damaged) - High priest mitre (damaged) - High priest orb (damaged) |
51.9 | - Goldrune - Malachite green - Mark of the Kyzaj - Samite silk |
90 | Varanusaur remains | Orthen Dig Site | 603 | - Pasaha (damaged) - Ritual bell (damaged) |
54.2 | - Compass rose - Felt - Goldrune |
91 | Gravitron research debris | Stormguard Citadel | 646 | - Prototype gravimeter (damaged) - Songbird recorder (damaged) |
58 | - Leather scraps - Orthenglass - Quintessence - Stormguard steel |
92 | Acropolis debris | Everlight | 668 | - Amphora (damaged) - Rod of Asclepius (damaged) |
59.4 | - Everlight silvthril - Goldrune - Keramos - White marble |
93 | Armarium debris | Kharid-et | 690 | - Zarosian ewer (damaged) - Zarosian stein (damaged) |
62 | - Imperial steel - Third Age iron - Zarosian insignia |
94 | Yu'biusk animal pen | Warforge | 717 | - Beastkeeper helm (damaged) - Idithuun horn ring (damaged) - 'Nosorog!' sculpture (damaged) |
64.5 | - Fossilised bone - Vulcanised rubber - Warforged bronze - Yu'biusk clay |
95 | Keshik tower debris | Stormguard Citadel | 741 | - Dayguard shield (damaged) - Stormguard gerege (damaged) |
66.6 | - Goldrune - Stormguard steel - White oak - Wings of War |
96 | Dragonkin reliquary | Orthen Dig Site | 770 | - Vazara (damaged) - Kilaya (damaged) |
69.3 | - Compass rose - Dragon metal - Goldrune |
97 | Goblin trainee remains | Warforge | 793 | - Garagorshuun anchor (damaged) - Ourg megahitter (damaged) - Ourg tower/goblin cower shield (damaged) |
71.2 | - Fossilised bone - Leather scraps - Third Age iron - Warforged bronze |
98 | Byzroth remains | Infernal Source | 854 | - Hellfire haladie (damaged) - Hellfire katar (damaged) - Hellfire zaghnal (damaged) |
76.8 | - Hellfire metal - Leather scraps - Orthenglass - White oak |
98 | Destroyed golem | Stormguard Citadel | 854 | - Golem heart (damaged) - Golem instruction (damaged) |
76.8 | - Aetherium alloy - Quintessence - Soapstone - Vellum |
99 | Dragonkin coffin | Orthen Dig Site | 904 | - Death mask (damaged) - Dragonkin calendar (damaged) - Dragonkin staff (damaged) |
81.3 | - Carbon black - Compass rose - Orgone - Soapstone |
100 | Kyzaj champion's boudoir | Warforge | 956 | - Dorgeshuun spear (damaged) - 'Forged in War' sculpture (damaged) |
86 | - Warforged bronze - White oak - Yu'biusk clay |
100 | Culinarum debris | Kharid-et | 956 | - 'Smoke Cloud' spell scroll (damaged) - Vigorem vial (damaged) |
86 | - Ancient vis - Blood of Orcus - Imperial steel - Vellum |
100 | Icyene weapon rack | Everlight | 956 | - Kopis dagger (damaged) - Xiphos short sword (damaged) |
86 | - Everlight silvthril - Leather scraps |
101 | Autopsy table | Orthen Dig Site | 1,003 | - Dragon scalpel (damaged) - Protective goggles (damaged) |
90.2 | - Dragon metal - Felt - Orthenglass |
102 | Experiment workbench | Orthen Dig Site | 1,024 | - Dragon burner (damaged) - Orthenglass flask (damaged) |
92.1 | - Dragon metal - Orgone - Orthenglass |
103 | Keshik weapon rack | Stormguard Citadel | 1,058 | - Blackfire lance (damaged) - Nightguard shield (damaged) |
95.2 | - Aetherium alloy - Quintessence - Stormguard steel - Wings of War |
104 | Hellfire forge | Infernal Source | 1,089 | - 'Possession' metal sculpture (damaged) - Trishula (damaged) - Tsutsaroth piercing (damaged) |
98 | - Cadmium red - Eye of Dagon - Hellfire metal - Third Age iron |
104 | Warforge scrap pile | Warforge | 1,089 | - Huzamogaarb chaos crown (damaged) - Saragorgak star crown (damaged) |
98 | - Third Age iron - Warforged bronze |
105 | Stockpiled art | Everlight | 1,147 | - 'Hallowed Be the Everlight' painting (damaged) - 'The Lord of Light' painting (damaged) - 'The Pride of Padosan' painting (damaged) |
103.2 | - Cobalt blue - Samite silk - Vellum - White oak |
106 | Aughra remains | Orthen Dig Site | 1,217 | - Meditation pipe (damaged) - Personal totem (damaged) - Singing bowl (damaged) |
109.6 | - Carbon black - Compass rose - Dragon metal - Orgone |
107 | Ancient magick munitions | Kharid-et | 1,293 | - Ancient magic tablet (damaged) - 'Animate Dead' spell scroll (damaged) - Portable phylactery (damaged) |
116 | - Ancient vis - Blood of Orcus - Imperial steel - Vellum |
108 | Moksha device | Orthen Dig Site | 1,320 | - Lingam stone (damaged) - Master control (damaged) |
118.9 | - Carbon black - Compass rose - Orgone |
109 | Bibliotheke debris | Everlight | 1,346 | - 'The Enlightened Soul' scroll (damaged) - 'The Eudoxian Elements' tablet (damaged) |
121 | - Goldrune - Star of Saradomin - Vellum - White marble |
110 | Chthonian trophies | Infernal Source | 1,398 | - Chaos Elemental trophy (damaged) - Virius trophy (damaged) |
126 | - Chaotic brimstone - Demonhide - Orthenglass - White oak |
110 | Warforge weapon rack | Warforge | 1,398 | - Drogokishuun hook sword (damaged) - Hobgoblin mansticker (damaged) |
126 | - Fossilised bone - Malachite green - Warforged bronze |
111 | Flight research debris | Stormguard Citadel | 1,446 | - Flat cap (damaged) - Night owl flight goggles (damaged) |
130 | - Armadylean yellow - Leather scraps - Orthenglass - Samite silk |
112 | Aetherium forge | Stormguard Citadel | 1,497 | - Prototype godbow (damaged) - Prototype godstaff (damaged) - Prototype godsword (damaged) |
135 | - Aetherium alloy - Goldrune - Quintessence - Wings of War |
113 | Xolo mine | Orthen Dig Site | 1,524 | - Xolo hard hat (damaged) - Xolo pickaxe (damaged) |
137.2 | - Dragon metal - Goldrune - Orgone |
114 | Praetorian remains | Kharid-et | 1,557 | - Praetorian hood (damaged) - Praetorian robes (damaged) - Praetorian staff (damaged) |
140 | - Ancient vis - Imperial steel - Samite silk - Zarosian insignia |
115 | Bandos' sanctum debris | Warforge | 1,601 | - Kal-i-kran chieftain crown (damaged) - Kal-i-kran mace (damaged) - Kal-i-kran warhorn (damaged) |
144 | - Animal furs - Fossilised bone - Vulcanised rubber - Yu'biusk clay |
116 | Tsutsaroth remains | Infernal Source | 1,667 | - Tsutsaroth helm (damaged) - Tsutsaroth pauldron (damaged) - Tsutsaroth urumi (damaged) |
150 | - Eye of Dagon - Goldrune - Hellfire metal - Third Age iron |
117 | Optimatoi debris | Everlight | 1,704 | - Doru spear (damaged) - Kontos lance (damaged) |
154 | - Everlight silvthril - Samite silk - White oak |
118 | Howl's workshop debris | Stormguard Citadel | 1,761 | - Chuluu stone (damaged) - Quintessence counter (damaged) - Spherical astrolabe (damaged) |
158 | - Aetherium alloy - Armadylean yellow - Quintessence - Soapstone |
118 | War table debris | Kharid-et | 1,761 | - Ancient globe (damaged) - Battle plans (damaged) - 'Prima Legio' painting (damaged) |
158 | - Ancient vis - Tyrian purple - Vellum - White oak |
119 | Makeshift pie oven | Warforge | 1,801 | - 'Da Boss Man' sculpture (damaged) - Horogothgar cooking pot (damaged) |
162 | - Malachite green - Soapstone - Yu'biusk clay |
119 | Xolo remains | Orthen Dig Site | 1,801 | - Xolo shield (damaged) - Xolo spear (damaged) |
162 | - Dragon metal - Felt - Goldrune - Orgone |
120 | Saurthen debris | Orthen Dig Site | 1,869 | - Gold dish (damaged) - 'Raksha' idol (damaged) |
168.2 | - Dragon metal - Goldrune - Orgone |
While hotspots are permanent, there are other places that can only be Excavated for limited periods of time called caches. Also unlike the hotspots, caches can be found in random locations throughout the world (not just at the dig sites) and they will only provide you with materials. Be aware that any cache within a Dig Site's boundaries will also give you soil.
Note that caches are not instanced and will deplete in a fashion similar to trees. The higher level the cache is, the longer it will take to respond, however, it is possible to world hop in order to find them more rapidly. For this reason, the Refined Invention perk is very useful for accumulating large quantities of materials.
In order to even be able to Excavate the hotspots and caches listed above, you will need to have a mattock either equipped or placed on your toolbelt. Note that Smithable mattocks can be created regardless of your Archaeology level, however, they cannot be used until you reach the appropriate level. At steel+, when a new mattock replaces your old one on your toolbelt, you will receive the removed/previous mattock back in your inventory. This can then be sold, disassembled, or dropped as desired.
Note that skillchompas can be used in place of a mattock to Excavate. The effectiveness of their ability to Excavate will be the same as the corresponding tier mattock.
Keep in mind that the higher your tool's Precision, the faster the blue progress bar above your head will fill and you will obtain an Artefact. The Focus, on the other hand, affects the chance you have to obtain Materials while Excavating. For both of these, the higher the number, the better your tool.
*You will also need to unlock a specific area to create the mattock. See the item entry for details.
Once you have done some Excavating, you have the option of screening your soil. This step can be time consuming, but will provide you with more materials (mainly) and artefacts (sometimes) that were not found when first Excavating. If you feel you have enough of them without screening soil, it is not necessary to do this. Alternatively, you can do it while Excavating by using an Auto-screener v1.080 to automatically screen your soils as they are obtained.
Currently, it is only possible to screen soil at one location: on the Eastern side of the dig site, near the dock to Anachronia. At most, 100 of any type soil can be screened per iteration. If you have more than 100 soils, you will need to start more rounds to screen everything. If you have a porter or Grace of the elves with porters worn then your materials will automatically be deposited to your storage container.
When screening soil, you will obtain any associated material up to your current level. As such, many people wait until they reach the maximum level to obtain all materials and artefacts from their soil.
Having collected artefacts, either from Excavating or Screening, you will now want to repair them as this is where you will get a large portion of your experience. Clicking one of these damaged items will open an interface where you can see: requirements and materials to repair them, which Collection(s) they belong to, experience that you will gain for repairing it, and how many Chronotes you will obtain when you turn it in to a Collector.
Item repairing must be completed at an Archaeologist’s workbench. These can be found at the entrance of each Dig Site (where you teleport to) and one at the Archaeology Campus, North of the Monolith. Near these locations you will also find a Material storage container. This is where your materials can be stored to save on bank space. Initially there are 25 spots for you to use, but it is possible to unlock more space at higher levels so that you can have up to 40 spots – more on this later.
There are 2 buttons on the storage interface. One to deposit all of the items in your backpack and one to withdraw all items from storage. Removing items with this button will provide you with noted items. Alternatively, you can click any item to remove them unnoted individually – Right clicking will enable you to select how many you wish to withdraw unnoted. Be aware that removing materials is not necessary, unless you are running out of space, as repairing items will remove items from the container automatically.
To actually repair an item, you will need to have 1 or more damaged items in your inventory, the necessary materials to repair the item, and the required level. Click the workbench and the Restoration interface will open. On the Left side you will see a dropdown at the top to select which God faction you would like to repair items for and below this you will see a selection of items from this category. Any item which is in vibrant color is indicating that you have what is necessary to repair it. When you have an item selected, regardless of if you can fix it, the Right side will provide you with the details of the repair. Click "restore" to repair the item, then wait the 6 seconds (per item) to complete the process.
Once you have restored your item, you will be ready to speak with a Collector to trade it.
Chronotes are the currency for archaeology. They are obtained by turning Repaired artefacts in to collectors or you can obtain 60% of the Chronotes you would have received from a collector if you turn them in to the Museum guard.
Chronotes are used to purchase various items and upgrades from the Archaeology guild. These include upgrades for your Archaeological soil box, skill outfit pieces, experience boosting items, and more. In addition to spending them at the guild, Chronotes can be used for Research and Relics.
As you are leveling through Archaeology, you will notice that there are 5 different Qualifications. These ranks provide you with more access to rewards and abilities. The ranks, their requirements, and their perks can be found below.
After completion of the Tutorial, you will have obtained the first qualification – Intern. With this rank you obtain access to items from the Intern tab at Ezreal’s shop and the title "[NAME] the Archaeology intern".
The second qualification can be obtained after speaking with Acting Guildmaster Reiniger and completion of the following requirements:
- Qualification – Intern – Complete the Archaeology tutorial.
- The Discoverer IV – Excavate damaged Artefacts. (X/25)
- Collectors Assemble I – Complete unique Collections for archaeological collectors. (X/1)
- Archaeology 40 – Reach level 40 in the Archaeology skill.
- The Restorer IV – Restore damaged Artefacts. (X/25)
- Mystery Solver I – Solve Gielinor's greatest Mysteries. (X/1)
Once you have unlocked the rank, you will earn the ability to Research, be able to purchase from the Assistant tab in Ezreal’s shop, and the title "[NAME] the Archaeology Assistant".
To obtain the third qualification, you will need to speak with Acting Guildmaster Reiniger after completing the following achievements:
- Qualification – Assistant – Complete all of the listed achievements and attend the qualification ceremony.
- The Discoverer VII – Excavate damaged Artefacts. (X/250)
- Collectors Assemble III – Complete unique Collections for archaeological collectors. (X/5)
- The Researcher I – Send your research team out on field studies. Tracked in hours. (X/24)
- Archaeology 70 – Reach level 70 in the Archaeology skill.
- The Restorer VII – Restore damaged Artefacts. (X/250)
- Mystery Solver IV – Solve Gielinor's greatest Mysteries. (X/10)
Once you have unlocked the rank, you will earn a 3rd slot for your Research team, access to research assistants and new special research, be able to purchase from the Associate tab in Ezreal’s shop, and the title "[NAME] the Archaeology Associate".
The second to the last rank is the Professor qualification. To obtain it, you will need to speak with after completing the following achievements:
- Qualification - Associate – Complete all of the listed achievements and attend the qualification ceremony.
- The Discoverer VIII – Excavate damaged Artefacts. (X/500)
- Collectors Assemble VI – Complete unique Collections for archaeological collectors. (X/20)
- The Researcher III – Send your research team out on field studies. Tracked in hours. (X/72)
- Archaeology 90 – Reach level 90 in the Archaeology skill.
- The Restorer VIII – Restore damaged Artefacts. (X/500)
- Mystery Solver V – Solve Gielinor's greatest Mysteries. (X/15)
Once you have unlocked the rank, you will earn a 4th slot for your Research team, access to research associates and new special research, be able to purchase from the Professor tab in Ezreal’s shop, and the title "[NAME] the Archaeology Professor".
The fifth and final rank is that of the Guildmaster qualification. To obtain it, you will need to speak with after completing the following achievements:
- Qualification - Professor – Complete all of the listed achievements and attend the qualification ceremony.
- The Discoverer IX – Excavate damaged Artefacts. (X/1,000)
- Collectors Assemble VII – Complete unique Collections for archaeological collectors. (X/25)
- The Researcher IV – Send your research team out on field studies. Tracked in hours. (X/168)
- Archaeology 99 – Reach level 99 in the Archaeology skill.
- The Restorer IX – Restore damaged Artefacts. (X/1,000)
- Mystery Solver VI – Solve Gielinor's greatest Mysteries. (X/20)
Once you have unlocked the rank, you will earn a 5th slot for your Research team, access to research professors, be able to purchase from the Guildmaster tab in Ezreal’s shop, and the title "[NAME] the Archaeology Guildmaster".
In total, there are 5 different dig sites where you can dig up and repair different Artefacts. Each one of these sites are dedicated to a different God and can be accessed at specific level milestones. The sections below give minor detail concerning each area. Please see the associated area guide for more information.
The Kharid-et Dig Site is the first location you will have access to and begins at level 5. This dig site is Zarosian in nature and most Zaros Artefacts will be found here. There are a total of 6 Caches, 14 Hotspots, 8 Mysteries, and 7 Research locations. You will be able to complete/access all of each activity at the following levels:
At level 20, you will be invited to access the Infernal Source Dig Site. This dig site is Zamorakian in nature and, as such, all Zamorak Artefacts will be found here. There are a total of 5 Caches, 13 Hotspots, 4 Mysteries, and 6 Research locations. You will be able to complete/access all of each activity at the following levels:
At level 42, you will be invited to access the Everlight Dig Site. This dig site is Saradominist in nature and, as such, all Saradomin Artefacts will be found here. There are a total of 5 Caches, 13 Hotspots, 7 Mysteries, and 7 Research locations. You will be able to complete/access all of each activity at the following levels:
At level 60, you will have access the Senntisten Dig Site. This dig site is Zarosian in nature and, as such, additional Zaros Artefacts will be found here. There are a total of 0 Caches, 6 Hotspots, 3 Mysteries, and 3 Research locations. You will be able to complete/access all of each activity at the following levels:
At level 70, you will be invited to access the Stormguard Citadel Dig Site. This dig site is Armadelean in nature and, as such, all Armadyl Artefacts will be found here. There are a total of 5 Caches, 11 Hotspots, 6 Mysteries, and 6 Research locations. You will be able to complete/access all of each activity at the following levels:
At level 76, you will be invited to access the Warforge Dig Site. This dig site is Bandosian in nature and, as such, all Bandos Artefacts will be found here. There are a total of 5 Caches, 11 Hotspots, 6 Mysteries, and 6 Research locations. You will be able to complete/access all of each activity at the following levels:
The Orthen Dig Site is the last location you will have access to and begins at level 90. This dig site is Draginkin in nature and, as such, all Dragonkin Artefacts will be found here. There are a total of 5 Caches, 10 Hotspots, 8 Mysteries, and 8 Research locations. You will be able to complete/access all of each activity at the following levels:
All Artefacts found in Dig sites can be given to collectors in their restored form. This is without question the fastest way to obtain large quantities of chronotes, especially when donating your collections to Velucia. See our Archaeology Collections Special Report for more information on collections.
Mysteries are kind of like Miniquests that are exclusively for the Archaeology skill. Most of them are fairly simple in that you simply need to find something and give it to the lead archaeologist at the associated site. Some of the others are more complex that involve several steps and puzzles before it can be completed. Please see our Archaeology Mysteries Special Report for a list of all Mysteries and how to complete them.
Located at the center of the Archaeology Campus is a large Mysterious Monolith. This Monolith is used with Relics in order to unlock specific passive Powers. The sections below will help you discover which Powers you may want to have, how to obtain the associated Relic for each one, and how to manage the Energy used.
Clicking on the Monolith will open the Relic Powers interface where everything can be managed. In the top Left corner you will notice a fraction. This number indicates how much of the Monolith's energy you are currently using for active Powers. The area below this number indicates which Powers are currently active and the area to the right shows you the Powers (highlighted ones indicate you have used the Relic on the Monolith and can activate them).
The total amount of Energy that can be used will increase as your Archaeology level does; capping at 500 points.
Level | Qualification | Research | Power |
5 | Intern | None | 150 |
40 | Assistant | Mysterious Monolith: Existence | 250 |
70 | Associate | Mysterious Monolith: Architecture | 400 |
90 | Professor | Mysterious Monolith: Symbology | 500 |
To activate a Power, begin by opening the Relic Power interface (click the Monolith) and select a Relic power on the Right side of the screen. At the top, you will be provided with the name of the Power, its effect, as well as the Energy and Chronotes required to harness it. Note that you will be required to pay Chronotes every time you activate a power, even if you have previously used it. Once you have your desired Power selected, click "Harness Power" at the bottom. This will open a confirmation window where you can choose the slot you want the Relic to occupy. Once you click confirm, it will add the Relic Power to the Left section of the screen (to show that it is active), consume your Chronotes, and claim the necessary amount of Energy (noted at the top Left of the screen).
Deactivating a Power can be done by selecting one of your active ones (via the Left or Right of the interface) and selecting "Unharness Power" on the bottom Right. A confirmation window will appear to make sure that you wish to remove it.
The table below gives a description of the various Powers that can be obtained by acquiring Relics and activating them at the Monolith. Clicking a Relic name will take you to the section below where you can find out how to obtain it. Note that the level listed in this table is required to obtain the associated Relic. While most of the time the level can be boosted to gain access "early", this cannot be done if Research is required.
Please be aware that Font of Life is the only Free to Play Power. As such, it is the only one that will be active while on Free Worlds. All other Powers will not work unless you are on a Members Only World.
Level | Power | Effect | Chronotes | Monolith Energy | Relic |
5 | Font of Life | Increases maximum Health by 500. | 1,000 | 50 | The Mortal Cup |
24 | Ring of Luck | You will always gain the effect of tier 1 Luck. | 1,000 | 50 | Hand of Glory (Ring of Luck) |
25 | Unexpected Diplomacy | 10% increase to all reputation gains at The Heart, the Farming Guild, Menaphos, and Mazcab. | 1,000 | 50 | Seal of the Praefectus Praetorio |
36 | Pouch Protector | When using Runecrafting pouches, they will never degrade. | 2,000 | 100 | Threads of Fate |
51 | Ring of Wealth | You will always gain the effect of tier 2 Luck. | 2,000 | 100 | Hand of Glory (Ring of Wealth)* |
56 | Berserker's Fury | Deal up to +5.5% damage (all styles) the lower your current life points are below max. (Doesn't stack with Dharok's set effect.) | 5,000 | 250 | Dharok's Memento |
58 | Ring of Fortune | You will always gain the effect of tier 3 Luck. | 3,000 | 150 | Hand of Glory (Ring of Fortune)* |
67 | Aurelius's Mask | Reduces the cooldown of Surge, Escape, Bladed Dive and Barge by 50%, but these abilities no longer generate adrenaline. | 1,000 | 150 | Shadow's Grace |
68 | Nexus Mod | When entering the Abyss, you will arrive at the center. | 3,000 | 150 | Abyssal Gatestone |
74 | Eye of Het | Food and potions heal 10% more life points. | 2,000 | 100 | Blessing of Het |
81 | Endurance | When running, you will no longer drain your run energy. | 2,000 | 100 | Oo'glog Wellspring |
81 | Pharm Ecology | Your herb and mushroom patches no longer become diseased. | 3,000 | 150 | Queen Mab's Moonstone |
81 | Death Ward | 5% damage reduction when your life points are below 50%; 10% damage reduction when they are below 25%. | 3,000 | 150 | Ring of Solomon |
83 | Luck of the Dwarves | You will always gain the effect of tier 4 Luck. | 4,000 | 200 | Hand of Glory (Luck of the Dwarves)* |
83 | Always Adze | When Woodcutting, you will always burn your cut logs for immediate Firemaking XP. | 2,000 | 100 | Seed of the Charyou Tree |
84 | Sticky Fingers | When pickpocketing, you will automatically attempt to pickpocket again until you get caught. | 2,000 | 100 | Andvaranaut |
91 | Deathless | When Dungeoneering, you will never receive a penalty for dying. | 2,000 | 100 | Korschei's Death Egg |
97 | Fury of the Small | All basic abilities generate 1% more adrenaline. | 3,000 | 150 | Goblin Warpaints |
98 | Divine Conversion | When converting memories at a rift, you will convert your entire backpack in one go. | 2,000 | 100 | Cres framework |
98 | Persistent Rage | Your adrenaline will not drain outside of Combat. | 3,000 | 150 | The Rings of Razulei |
99 | Bait and Switch | Fishing produce are Cooked when caught. Only works on fish with a cooked variant and awards 50% of the base Cooking xp. Can be used with porters, the cooked fish will get banked like raw ones would. | 2,000 | 100 | Evil Bob's Catspaw |
102 | Flow State | 20% increase to Archaeology excavation precision (at the expense of receiving no soil). | 4,000 | 200 | Soma |
105 | Heightened Senses | Increases maximum adrenaline by 10%. | 7,000 | 350 | Cup of Nectar |
108 | Death Note | All guaranteed bone and ash drops are noted. Bonecrusher, (Attuned) Ectoplasmator, and Prayer urns take priority over this power. | 3,000 | 150 | Kaladanda |
112 | Abyssal Link | Teleport spells from the spellbook no longer require runes, but award no Magic XP. | 5,000 | 250 | The Subtle Blade |
116 | Inspire Love | You will gain 2% more XP when training support skills. | 5,000 | 250 | Ariadne's Diadem |
117 | Inspire Effort | You will gain 2% more XP when training gathering skills. | 5,000 | 250 | Petasos |
118 | Conservation of Energy | After using an ultimate ability, you will regain 10% adrenaline. | 7,000 | 350 | Experimental Aether Reactor |
118 | Inspire Genius | You will gain 2% more XP when training artisan skills. | 5,000 | 250 | Howl's Thinking Cap |
119 | Slayer Introspection | When requesting a new slayer assignment, you will have a choice between the minimum and maximum assignment amounts. | 4,000 | 200 | Amascut's Enchanted Gem |
119 | Inspire Awe | You will gain 2% more XP when training combat skills. | 5,000 | 250 | Helm of Terror |
*Requires the previous Hand of Glory to have been created
Relics are items used on the Monolith at the Archaeology Campus in order to unlock the various Powers listed above. Some Relics are easily received by simply completing Archaeology Collections while others may take several steps in order to create them. Once a Relic is used on the Monolith, the Relic itself is destroyed and cannot be recreated. Note that Relics, and several of their components, are not tradeable and that many of the requirements (excluding those which require completion of Research) can be boosted to obtain the Relic "early".
The section below details how to obtain each Relic as well as any components when necessary. Clicking the Power name will take you to the table above where you can find the effect as well as the associated Level required to obtain, Chronotes to activate a Power, and the Energy used for having the Power active.
- The Mortal Cup
- Power - Font of Life
- Source - Complete Relic obtained upon completion of Archaeology Tutorial
- Hand of Glory (Ring of Luck)
- Power - Ring of Luck
- Source - Created by combining Hand of Glory with a Ring of luck
- Hand of Glory - While any Hand of Glory can be used for this, the Hand of Glory (Infernal source) is the only one available at this level (24). It is found on the altar North of the entrance in the Dungeon of Disorder.
- Ring of luck - Grand Exchange or enchanted Lapis lazuli ring
- Seal of the Praefectus Praetorio
- Power - Unexpected Diplomacy
- Source - Complete Relic obtained upon completion of the Zarosian I collection
- Threads of Fate
- Power - Pouch Protector
- Source - Created by combining Abyssal thread and a Giant pouch
- Abyssal thread - One time reward for Zamorakian I collection
- Giant pouch - Monster drop or Purchased from Wizard Korvak (50,000 Coins)
- Hand of Glory (Ring of Wealth)
- Power - Ring of Wealth
- Source - Created by combining Hand of Glory with a Ring of wealth after the Hand of Glory (Ring of Luck) has been created
- Hand of Glory - While any Hand of Glory can be used for this, it is assumed that you have already used the Hand of Glory (Infernal source) and thus the Hand of Glory (Everlight) is the next one available. It is found by repairing the Statue of Mesomedes within the Amphetheater. You will need 10 White marble, an Everlight harp, and level 51 Archaeology.
- Ring of wealth - Grand Exchange or enchanted Dragonstone ring
- Dharok's Memento
- Power - Berserker's Fury
- Source - Created by combining Lock of hair and Amulet of the forsaken
- Lock of hair - One time reward for Saradominist I collection
- Amulet of the forsaken - Grand Exchange or Barrows
- Hand of Glory (Ring of Fortune)
- Power - Ring of Fortune
- Source - Created by combining Hand of Glory with a Ring of fortune after the Hand of Glory (Ring of Wealth) has been created
- Hand of Glory - While any Hand of Glory can be used for this, it is assumed that you have already used both the Hand of Glory (Infernal source) and the Hand of Glory (Everlight), thus the Hand of Glory (Kharid-et) is the next one available. It is found on the Orcus altar within the Chapel. In order to access it, you will need a Pontifex signet ring either equipped, in your inventory, or on your toolbelt.
- Ring of fortune - Grand Exchange or enchanted Onyx ring
- Shadow's Grace
- Power - Aurelius's Mask
- Source - Obtained by completing Secrets of the Inquisition.
- Abyssal Gatestone
- Power - Nexus Mod
- Source - Created by combining Chaos star and Chaotic gatestone
- Chaos star - lvl 68 Artefact obtained from Shakroth remains
- Chaotic gatestone - Purchased from Rewards trader (25,000 Dungeoneering tokens - lvl 80 Dungeoneering)
- Eye of Het (broken)
- Power - Blessing of Het
- Source - Obtained by completing Eye of Het II. Despite the item being "broken" in name, it does not need to be repaired before being used on the Monolith.
- Oo'glog Wellspring
- Power - Endurance
- Source - Complete Relic obtained upon completion of the Smoky Fings collection
- Queen Mab's Moonstone
- Power - Pharm Ecology
- Source - Obtained by giving King Oberon's moonshroom spores to Fairy Queen
- King Oberon's moonshroom spores - Obtained upon completion of the Armadylean I collection
- Ring of Solomon
- Power - Death Ward
- Source - Obtained by giving Aviansie dreamcoat to Armadyl
- Aviansie dreamcoat - lvl 81 Artefact obtained from Tailory debris
- Hand of Glory (Luck of the Dwarves)
- Power - Luck of the Dwarves
- Source - Created by combining Hand of Glory with a Luck of the dwarves after the Hand of Glory (Ring of Fortune) has been created
- Hand of Glory - While any Hand of Glory can be used for this, it is assumed that you have already used all 3 of the other hands, thus the Hand of Glory (Warforge) is the only remaining option. It is found on the end of the Imcando forge within Thalmund's Forge.
- Luck of the dwarves - Grand Exchange or enchanted Alchemical onyx ring
- Seed of the Charyou Tree
- Power - Always Adze
- Source - Created by investigating the Seed of the Charyou Tree (inactive) while wearing Flame gloves
- Seed of the Charyou Tree (inactive) - Found on the Imcando anvil in the South East corner of Thalmund's Forge
- Flame gloves - Reward for 10 Beacons lit at once
- Andvaranaut
- Power - Sticky Fingers
- Source - Obtained by giving Dominarian device to Reldo
- Dominarian device - lvl 84 Artefact obtained from Oikos Fishing Hut
- Koschei's Death Egg
- Power - Deathless
- Source - Obtained by giving Koschei's needle to Koschei
- Koschei's needle - Obtained upon completion of the Wise Am the Music Man collection
- Goblin Warpaints
- Power - Fury of the Small
- Source - Created by combining Red hand cave painting and Green skull cave painting
- Red hand cave painting - Obtained by taking a Thorobshuun battle standard into the North tunnel
- Green skull cave painting - Obtained by taking a Garagorshuun into the South West tunnel
- Cres Framework
- Power - Divine Conversion
- Source - Requires: Back to the Drawing Board Research, The World Wakes, 85 Divination, 98 Archaeology, and 86 Invention. Created by completing the following steps:
- Decipher Theoretical blueprints in Howl's workshop to unlock the ability to create Ancient Inventions.
- Create Golem framework at a workbench using
- Golem heart (Destroyed golem)
- Golem instruction (Destroyed golem)
- 150 Historic components
- 150 Tensile parts
- 5 Classic components
- 5 Enhancing components
- Enter a Guthixian Cache with the Golem framework and pick up a Large memory.
- Right-click the Golem framework and choose "Transfer personality".
- The Rings of Razulei
- Power - Persistent Rage
- Source - Obtained by giving 2 Hellfire katar to Dagon the Gatekeeper (Access to Dagon requires Dagon Bye completion)
- Hellfire katar - lvl 98 Artefact obtained from Byzroth remains
- Evil Bob's Catspaw
- Power - Bait and Switch
- Source - Obtained by giving a Death mask to Evil Bob. A Catspeak amulet, Catspeak amulet(e), or Catspeak amulet(e) must be worn to speak with him.
- Death mask - lvl 99 Artefact obtained from Dragonkin coffin
- Soma
- Power - Flowstate
- Source - Created by completing the following steps:
- Restore an Orthenglass flask (102 Archaeology)
- Orthenglasss flask (damaged)
- 60 x Orthenglass
- 34 x Dragon metal
- Use a Dragon metal on it to create a Skeka flask (reinforced)
- Use the flask on the pool on the East side of Anachronia, where the council meeting occured in Desperate Measures (step 12). This will create a Skeka flask (water).
- Use a Clean arbuck on the flask to create a Skeka flask (unfinished).
- Use a Guarana on the flask to create a Skeka flask (partial mix).
- Use a Sweet honeycomb on the flask to create the Soma.
- Restore an Orthenglass flask (102 Archaeology)
- Cup of Nectar
- Power - Heightened Senses
- Source - Obtained by using a Kantharos cup on the Everlight beam (Requires completion of The Everlight mystery)
- Kantharos cup - lvl 72 Artefact obtained from Oikos studio debris
- Everlight beam - Requires at least partial completion of The Everlight Mystery (lvl 105)
- Kaladanda
- Power - Death Note
- Source - Complete Relic obtained upon completion of the Dragonkin III collection
- The Subtle Blade
- Power - Abyssal Link
- Source - Requires: Back to the Drawing Board Research, 112 Archaeology, and 111 Invention. Created by completing the following steps:
- Decipher Theoretical blueprints in Howl's workshop to unlock the ability to create Ancient Inventions.
- Enter Guthix's Cave (Main Entrance) and investigate the table to obtain Shard of the Blade
- Create The Subtle Shard at an inventor's workbench using
- Shard of the Blade
- Prototype godsword (Aetherium forge)
- 500 Historic components
- 500 Base parts
- 10 Timeworn components
- 10 Vintage components
- Ariadne's Diadem
- Power - Inspire Love
- Source - Complete Relic obtained upon completion of the Zamorakian IV collection
- Petasos
- Power - Inspire Effort
- Source - Complete Relic obtained upon completion of the Saradominist IV collection
- Experimental Aether Reactor
- Power - Conservation of Energy
- Source - Requires: Back to the Drawing Board Research, 118 Archaeology, and 108 Invention. Created by completing the following steps:
- Decipher Theoretical blueprints in Howl's workshop to unlock the ability to create Ancient Inventions.
- Create the Experimental Aether Reactor at an inventor's workbench using
- Chuluu stone (Howl's workshop debris)
- 500 Historic components
- 200 Quintessence (noted)
- 10 Timeworn components
- 10 Vintage components
- Howl's Thinking Cap
- Power - Inspire Genius
- Source - Complete Relic obtained upon completion of the Armadylean III collection
- Amazcut's Enchanted Gem
- Power - Slayer Introspection
- Source - Complete Relic obtained upon completion of the Knowledge is Power collection
- Helm of Terror
- Power - Inspire Awe
- Source - Created by combining Helm of Terror (inside) and Helm of Terror (outside)
- Helm of Terror (inside) - One time reward for Red Rum Relixs III collection
- Helm of Terror (outside) - One time reward for Green Gobbo Goodies III collection

Once you have achieved level 99, you may visit Acting Guildmaster Reiniger to purchase an Archaeology cape for 99,000 Coins.

Once you have achieved level 120, Acting Guildmaster Reiniger will sell you the Archaeology master cape for 120,000 Coins.
Note that as of December 2018, another one of Mod Daze's Easter Eggs have been found. This enables you to purchase a Skillcape for half price (only from Acting Guildmaster Reiniger, not Elen) if you are wearing a Ring of Charos (a). Be aware that "Half price" is 92,000 Coins as the experience at level 92 is approximately half way to level 99.
This Skill Guide was written by 3ter 1 and Chathmurrpau. Thanks to FuzzyJoe162, Sparkly van, Rinarth, and Quick Art for corrections.
This Skill Guide was entered into the database on Tue, Mar 31, 2020, at 03:32:36 PM by 3ter1, and it was last updated on Tue, Jul 25, 2023, at 02:38:51 AM by Chath.
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