27 Combat | 30 Magic | 81 Attack | 81 Woodcutting | ||||
90 Agility | 90 Construction | 96 Hunter | 114 Slayer |
Task | Description | RuneScore Points | Notes |
A New Direction | Reunite Irwinsson with his lost compass. | 10 | You will need to find the Broken compass in the backpack near the Shipwreck on the West coast. Show it to Irwinsson and he will request that you repait it for him. Complete Big Game Hunter until you find a Compass arrow. Use this on the Broken compass to create an Engraved compass and return it to Irwinsson who will reward you with 25 Hunter marks. |
Bag of Herbs | Purchase the herb bag and the herb bag upgrade from the Herby Werby reward shop. | 10 | The Herb bag and its upgrade cost 200 Spirit points each - 400 Spirit points total. This means that you can earn enough to purchase the upgraded bag in as little as 4 rounds of Herby Werby, as long as you earn 100 points each time (guaranteed as long as you remain until you have the points). Note that Herby Werby can be reset with a D&D token (weekly) once per week so the task can be completed in as few as 2 weeks, or a few days if you first do it just before and just after the Weekly reset. |
Dinosaur Hunter | Take down each dinosaur in Big Game Hunter. | 10 | Completion of this task requires 96 Hunter and 76 Slayer. Please see our Big Game Hunter guide for more information on how to take down the following dinosaurs:
Do You Think He Saw Us? | Get caught by each of the big game creatures once. | 5 | Completion of this task requires 96 Hunter and 76 Slayer. Please see our Big Game Hunter guide for more information on how you can be caught by the following dinosaurs:
End Of The World | Use Meteor Strike on all dinosaurs. | 10 | Meteor strike is a 2-handed Melee Ultimate ability. 81 Attack and 114 Slayer are required to complete this task. You must attack the following monsters with the ability:
Got to Go Around It | Complete a big game encounter without stepping into the creatures vision ring. | 10 | Completion of this task requires 75 Hunter and 55 Slayer. Please see our Big Game Hunter guide for more information on how to complete an instance. Note that the tall grass can hide you from the vision ring and you should be cautious of placing bait as you will be unable to move for a short time, but the dinosaur will continue on. |
Gotta Go Fast | Unlock double Surge and double Escape ability upgrades. | 10 | These abilities are unlocked via the Double Surge codex (tradeable) and the Double Escape codex (tradeable) respectively. There are no requirements. |
Home Away From Home | Build your Player Lodge on Anachronia. | 10 | 40 Construction, as well as 12,000 Vines, Hides, and Clay are required to complete this task. Please see our Anachronia Base Camp guide for more information on where the Player Lodge can be found and how to build it. |
In A Flash | Complete the Anachronia agility course in under 7 minutes. | 5 | 85 Agility is required to complete this task. It is suggested to begin South of the lodestone and to travel counter-clockwise through the course. You will want to use (Double) Surge, Bladed dive, and make use of the Mobile perk as much as possible - note that only Surge is necessary, however, the others can make it easier. See our Agility guide for more information about the course. |
In and Out, Nice and Slow | Complete a big game encounter without using movement abilities. | 10 | Completion of this task requires 75 Hunter and 55 Slayer. Please see our Big Game Hunter guide for more information on how to complete an instance. Be sure to not use Surge, Escape, or Bladed dive ANYWHERE within the instance - this includes after the dinosaur has been killed and you are collecting your loot. |
Jurassic Perk | Discover all the totem pieces on Anachronia. | 30 | There are a total of 21 totem pieces (7 totems, each with 3 pieces). To collect them all you will need 30 Agility, 75 Hunter, 90 Slayer, and 81 Woodcutting. Totem pieces can be obtained in the following ways:
Leave No Zygomite Buried | Find all the hidden Zygomites on Anachronia. | 15 | 85 Agility required. There are a total of 60 Zygomites to locate and for each set of 20 found, you can earn a Totem piece (Jurrasic Perk) - 3 pieces total. Zygomites must be found by pulling red or purple flowers from the ground; they will "sway gently in the wind". Click the map to enlarge. ![]() |
Master Builder | Fully upgrade the base camp on Anachronia. | 30 | 90 Agility, Construction, Hunter, and Slayer required. To fully upgrade your Base Camp, you will need the following resources:
Setting The Foundation | Complete the base camp tutorial on Anachronia. | 5 | Speak to Giles near the temple entrance to begin the Base Camp Tutorial. |
Spinal Surgery | Surge under the spine on Anachronia. | 5 | 30 Magic required. The Spine can be found along the Agility course in the North Eastern portion, just West of Herby Werby. |
Spud That | Use a potato on the ancient Zygomite elder. | 5 | No requirements. You will need to use a Raw potato on the Ancient zygomite elder found outside Herby Werby. |
Stacks on Stacks | Complete the ritual to activate a totem on Anachronia. | 5 | The following levels are required to obtain the pieces necessary to make each totem (3 pieces per totem).
Stone Cold Observers | Observe all the large dragonkin statues around Anachronia. (X/5) | 5 | This Achievement does not include the statue within the Anachronia Base Camp to complete. See the image below for the location of all 5 statues. Note that you will need to be relatively close to them in order to observe them. Click the map to enlarge. ![]() |
Swings Both Ways | Complete a lap going in each direction on the Anachronia agility course. | 5 | 85 Agility required. Complete the course, starting from any location, clockwise and counter-clockwise. |
Three In a Bed | Complete a big game encounter with 3 creatures active. | 20 | 55 Slayer & 75 Hunter required. there is a 1 in 160 chance of a Big Game Hunter instance with 3 creatures. Be sure to use (Double)Surge, Bladed dive, and Prism of Salvation when possible. Building the tier 2 Hunting Lodge in the Anachronia Base Camp will also increase the time it takes a creature to catch you. |
Top Town Hall | Fully upgrade the Town Hall in the base camp on Anachronia. | 15 | Fully upgrading the Anachronia Base Camp Town Hall will require the following resources:
This Achievement Guide was written by ChathMurrpau. Thanks to 3ter 1 for corrections.
This Achievement Guide was entered into the database on Sun, Jul 28, 2019, at 04:42:34 PM by Chath, and it was last updated on Sat, Nov 07, 2020, at 08:35:31 PM by Alk12.
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