Main Tables of Contents:
World Event 1: Battle of Lumbridge (22nd July 2013 - October 2nd 2013)
With the beginning of the Sixth Age and the death of Guthix, a massive battle took place in Lumbridge between the gods Saradomin and Zamorak. After 10 long weeks of fighting, Saradomin was victorious and Zamorak was forced to flee and regroup to fight another day.

Before you can take part in the battle, you must choose a side, either Zamorak or Saradomin. To choose a side you can speak to Kara-Meir who will give you directions to each camp. Once you've chosen your side you will be able to attack the other God's followers on the battlefield (not players, only NPCs) and should you venture into the opposing God's camp you will take damage.
The first stage of the battle is all about collecting the energy of Guthix by gathering Divine tears.
Divine tears are gathered on the battlefield in two ways, through skilling from the various nodes scattered around the battlefield, or from killing the opposing faction's warriors.
For skilling on the battlefield you have 3 choices:
All Divine tears gathered will be placed in your inventory automatically. There is no minimum skill requirement to gather Divine tears, however the higher your level the faster you will gain them while skilling. Members have a daily cap of 3000, while Non-members have a cap of 1320.
For killing you just need to find and slay the opposing faction's warriors as they come across the battlefield. These NPCs are non aggressive and will only attack if provoked. They award very small amounts of combat xp, and all Divine tears obtained from killing them will go into your inventory automatically, unless your inventory is full.
While killing the opposing faction's warriors you will also occasionally receive some Sacred metal fragments and on a more rare occasion you will receive an unfinished weapon part, these are used in making Weapon Overrides. There are 3 overrides for each faction.
As you collect more and more Divine tears you will notice that they drop in smaller quantities, starting with five for each harvest or kill, lowering down to one per harvest or kill, this happens because you are only allowed to gather a set amount per day and as you get closer to that cap the rate at which you aquire them will drop. The amount of tears you can gather per harvest or kill can vary slightly depending on if you have any buffs active, either from the Random Events or through items bought from the Quartermaster.
While the majority of Divine tears will be collected within the battlefield, regular activities outside of the battlefield can also yield Divine tears most commonly found in gathering skills they can also be obtained from killing monsters that have charms on their drop table.
The following skills and activities will provide you with a chance at getting some Divine tears:
- Killing creatures that drop charms
- Farming
- Fishing
- Herblore
- Hunter
- Mining
- Runecrafting
- Woodcutting
Note: It will take a much longer time to obtain your daily cap of Divine tears outside of the battlefield.
Divine tears can not be banked, so when you have some you need to hand in to your chosen faction. Head over to either one of the Collection points at your faction camp and deposit your tears.
Depositing tears affects three things:
Personal Contribution | 10% of what you deposit is added to the faction's total, your total contribution can be seen on the events progress bar on the top of the screen. |
Renown | The full amount of Divine tears deposited is converted into renown at a 1:1 ratio, renown is used to purchase rewards from the Quartermaster within your faction camp. |
Votes | 10% of what you deposit is converted into votes, which you can use to Vote on the weekly buff your faction will receive. |
As an example, if you deposit 1000 Divine tears you will receive 100 personal contribution, 1000 renown and 100 votes.

The votes you gain from depositing Divine tears into your faction's collection points are spent here.
Each week there will be a new vote that lasts for one week before the winning option is added to your faction's buffs, the buffs will be displayed on the progress bar on the top of the screen.
When you deposit Divine tears you will be automatically taken to the voting screen, should you close the window or should it not display for you, you can access it at any time by right clicking the collection point and selecting vote.
Week 1 | |
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Players will deal 10% more damage to the enemy faction. | Players will receive 15% less damage from the enemy faction. |
Winning Vote | |
Saradomin | Zamorak |
Players will deal 10% more damage to the enemy faction. | Players will deal 10% more damage to the enemy faction. |
Week 2 - 3 | |
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Heroes: 50% chance of spawning and have 50% more lifepoints than normal minions. Provide a small healing buff to allied players nearby. |
Siege units: 10% chance of spawning and deal 100% more damage. Bombard the battlefield harming enemy units and players. |
Winning Vote | |
Saradomin | Zamorak |
Heroes | Heroes |
Week 4 - 5 | |
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Chance to spawn an additional special unit. | Increases the effect of the special abilities of your special units, for your faction, by 50%. |
Winning Vote | |
Saradomin | Zamorak |
Chance to spawn an additional special unit. | Increases the effect of the special abilities of your special units, for your faction, by 50%. |
Week 6 - 7 | |
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Siege units: 10% chance of spawning and deal 100% more damage. Bombard the battlefield harming enemy units and players. |
Elite units: 25% chance of spawning and deal 200% more damage than normal units including 200% more lifepoints. Additionally they have an AoE stun attack to disrupt enemy players. |
Winning Vote | |
Saradomin | Zamorak |
Elite units | Elite units |
Week 8 | |
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Increase divine tears gained from the battlefield by 5%. | Increase divine tears gained from outside the battlefield by 5%. |
Winning Vote | |
Saradomin | Zamorak |
Increase divine tears gained from the battlefield by 5%. | Increase divine tears gained from the battlefield by 5%. |
Week 9 | |
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Add a 5% discount to rewards purchased from the shop. | Increase the chance of receiving a rare drop from the battlefield by 5%. |
Winning Vote | |
Saradomin | Zamorak |
At any time random events can occur within the battlefield. Both factions can trigger an event at the same time, however the same event may not occur at the same time for each faction. A warning message will appear for both factions when an event begins.
- Saradomin events appear in Blue.
- Zamorak events appear in Red.
- Neutral events appear in Yellow.
Neutral | |
Event | Description |
Rocks are falling from the sky. Avoid them! | Small rocks will rain from the sky. These cause no damage, but will show you where a boulder will land. The boulder will cause damage to anyone who is standing under it. The boulder can be mined for a Divine shard which can be handed in for 30 Divine tears. Only one Divine shard can be held at one time. |
Some residual energy from Guthix's life force has seeped out into the battlefield. | For 30 seconds all killing grants an extra 15% more Divine tears. |
Several resource gathering points have become unstable. Be careful! | Various resources around the battlefield will take on an orange color or a yellow color. Gathering from one of these will damage you. |
Saradomin | |
Event | Description |
Saradomin curses the followers of Zamorak, decreaseing their might for a short while. | Zamorak followers will deal 15% less damage to Saradomin's troops for the next 3 minutes. |
Saradomin's obelisks are charging with a deadly energy. | The Saradomin obelisk's around the battlefield will deal fast damage to Zamorak followers who are in close proximity. |
Saradomin has blessed his followers, decreasing their damage taken for a short while. | All of Saradomin's followers take 15% less damage from all sources while on the battlefield for 3 minutes. |
Zamorak | |
Event | Description |
Zamorak empowers his followers, decreasing their damage taken for a short while. | All of Zamorak's followers take 15% less damage from all sources while on the battlefield for 3 minutes. |
Zamorak curses the followers of Saradomin, decreaseing their might for a short while. | Saradomin followers will deal 15% less damage to zamorak's troops for the next 3 minutes. |
Zamorak's zealous hatred infuses his followers with a singular purpose. | Resources will be gathered at an increased rate for a short time. |
Zamorak's obelisks are charging with a deadly energy. | The Zamork obelisks around the battlefield will deal fast damage to saradomin followers who are in close proximity. |

Duke Horacio is taking part in the war effort by offering us weekly Dilemmas from around Lumbridge, the players are given one week to vote on various options that the duke can do to address with his emergency treasury.
Players may vote once per week, and in return are given bonus xp to a skill. This bonus will be used up as you train that skill, and can be seen by mousing over the skill in your skill book. At the end of the week the option with the most votes will be implemented, and a new vote will be offered. (Note: From week 3, assisting the Duke is only available to RuneScape Members).
Week 1 | |
Two crafters, each with a wife and child, have lost their homes in the destruction. There is a damaged house in Lumbridge which could be restored. | |
Option | Cost |
Restore the house, moving the Zamorakian Herbalist in. | 20,000 |
Restore the house, moving the Saradominist Priest in. | 20,000 |
Restore the house as a refugee shelter, moving both families in. | 40,000 |
Leave the house alone. | 0 |
Winning Vote | |
Restore the house as a refugee shelter, moving both families in. |
Week 2 | |
We could expand out private army to help in the defence of Lumbridge, in case the fighting spills from the crater. | |
Option | Cost |
Recruit more guardsmen. | 30,000 |
Form a people's militia. | 15,000 |
Legitimise the Thieves' Guild in exchange for aid in battle. | 15,000 |
Do not take any action. | 0 |
Winning Vote | |
Recruit more guardsmen. |
Week 3 | |
We could request aid from our political allies in other cities. | |
Option | Cost |
Ask assistance from the White Knights in Falador. | 10,000 |
Ask assistance from the politically neutral Varrock. | 10,000 |
Send a delegation to Al Kharid. | 10,000 |
Do not ask for anyon's help. | 0 |
Winning Vote | |
Ask assistance from the White Knights in Falador. |
Week 4 | |
Our guardsmen are not currently up to the task of facing the knights and beasts if they leave the battlefield. | |
Option | Cost |
Improve their weapons. | 20,000 |
Train them at the combat Academy. | 25,000 |
Do both of these. | 45,000 |
Do not take any action. | 0 |
Winning Vote | |
Do both of these. |
Week 5 | |
Should we request magical protection for the town and castle? | |
Option | Cost |
Bring in ZMI mages. | 10,000 |
Ask the druids for wardsmen. | 10,000 |
Ask Papa Mambo for help. | 20,000 |
Do not get anyone involved. | 0 |
Winning Vote | |
Ask the druids for wardsmen. |
Week 6 | |
A famous trainer offers us his services to train war beasts to guard Lumbridge. | |
Option | Cost |
Train guard dogs. | 20,000 |
Train guard rats. | 15,000 |
Train guard spiders. | 25,000 |
Refuse his services. | 0 |
Winning Vote | |
Train guard dogs. |
Week 7 | |
The graveyard south of Lumbridge is becomming overfull due to the carnage on the battlefield. | |
Option | Cost |
Expand with additional grave plots. | 25,000 |
Expand with a mass grave. | 5,000 |
Expand with a mass grave, and bring in a priest to bless it. | 15,000 |
Inter the bodies in the catacombs. | 0 |
Winning Vote | |
Inter the bodies in the catacombs. |
Week 8 | |
The battle is coming to a head. If we have any spare money, we could consider aiding one or other side. | |
Option | Cost |
Send aid to Saradomin. | All remaining funds. |
Send aid to Zamorak. | All remaining funds. |
Send aid to both sides equally. | All remaining funds. |
Spend the money on food aid for Lumbridge. | All remaining funds. |
Winning Vote | |

You gain renown by depositing the Divine tears that you collect. Renown is used as a currency to purchase Requisitions, as well as upgrade your Token of Fealty.
The Token of Fealty from your chosen faction will upgrade automatically upon reaching certain Renown milestones.
Image | Token | Renown | Additional Effects |
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Bronze faction token | 0 | None |
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Silver faction token | 1000 |
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Gold faction token | 3000 |
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Runite faction token | 6000 |
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Dragon faction token | 10500 |
Requisitions can be bought from the Quartermaster in both of the faction camps, each item requires you to have reached a certain level with your Token of Fealty.
Tier 1 | ||||
Image | Name | Renown Cost |
Required Token |
Description |
Sacred Armor | ||||
![]() ![]() |
Warpriest of Saradomin gauntlets Warpriest of Zamorak gauntlets |
1500 | Silver Token | These gauntlets offer moderate protection against all attack styles. They adjust themselves along with your Defence level, reaching their full potential at level 75. |
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Warpriest of Saradomin boots Warpriest of Zamorak boots |
1500 | Bronze Token | These boots offer moderate protection against all attack styles. They adjust themselves along with your Defence level, reaching their full potential at level 75. |
Emotes and Titles | ||||
Servant of Saradomin Servant of Zamorak |
3000 | Silver Token | Show your devotion to your deity. | |
Acolyte title | 3000 | Bronze Token | Grants the title: Acolyte. | |
Consumables | ||||
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Divine Fury (Tier 1) | 100 | Bronze Token | Increases the damage dealt to opponents on the battlefield by 20%. Lasts 10 minutes. |
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Divine Inspiration (Tier 1) | 400 | Bronze Token | Increases the amount of Divine tears harvested by 50%. Lasts 10 minutes. |
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Guardian Angel (Tier 1) | 50 | Bronze Token | The next two successful attacks from an opponent on the battlefield will deal only a single point of damage, if the damage is greater than your combat level. Lasts 10 minutes. |
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Smite (Tier 1) | 100 | Bronze Token | Smites the target opponent on the battlefield, dealing 30% of their maximum health in elemental damage. Single use only. |
Experience Lamps | ||||
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Small XP lamp (tier 1) | 400 | Bronze Token | Provides a small amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
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Medium XP lamp (tier 1) | 700 | Bronze Token | Provides a moderate amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
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Large XP lamp (tier 1) | 1300 | Silver Token | Provides a large amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
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Huge XP lamp (tier 1) | 2500 | Silver Token | Provides a huge amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
Tier 2 | ||||
Image | Name | Renown Cost |
Required Token |
Description |
Sacred Armor | ||||
![]() ![]() |
Warpriest of Saradomin greaves Warpriest of Zamorak greaves |
3000 | Silver Token | These grieves offer moderate protection against all attack styles. The armor adjusts itself along with your Defence level, reaching its full potential at level 75. |
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Warpriest of Saradomin cuirass Warpriest of Zamorak cuirass |
4000 | Gold Token | This cuirass offers moderate protection against all attack styles. The armor adjusts itself along with your Defence level, reaching its full potential at level 75. |
Emotes and Titles | ||||
Warrior of Saradomin Warrior of Zamorak |
9000 | Gold Token | Show your devotion to your deity. | |
High Priest title | 4500 | Gold Token | Grants the title: High Priest. | |
Consumables | ||||
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Divine Fury (Tier 2) | 125 | Silver Token | Increases the damage dealt to opponents on the battlefield by 20%. Lasts 15 minutes. |
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Divine Inspiration (Tier 2) | 500 | Silver Token | Increases the amount of Divine tears harvested by 50%. Lasts 15 minutes. |
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Guardian Angel (Tier 2) | 60 | Silver Token | The next three successful attacks from an opponent on the battlefield will deal only a single point of damage, if the damage is greater than your combat level. Lasts 15 minutes. |
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Smite (Tier 2) | 125 | Silver Token | Smites the target opponent on the battlefield, dealing 40% of their maximum health in elemental damage. Single use only. |
Experience Lamps | ||||
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Small XP lamp (tier 2) | 450 | Silver Token | Provides a small amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
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Medium XP lamp (tier 2) | 800 | Silver Token | Provides a moderate amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
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Large XP lamp (tier 2) | 1450 | Gold Token | Provides a large amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
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Huge XP lamp (tier 2) | 2700 | Gold Token | Provides a huge amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
Tier 3 | ||||
Image | Name | Renown Cost |
Required Token |
Description |
Sacred Armor | ||||
![]() ![]() |
Warpriest of Saradomin helm Warpriest of Zamorak helm |
5000 | Runite Token | This helm offers moderate protection against all attack styles. The armor adjusts itself along with your Defence level, reaching its full potential at level 75. |
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Warpriest of Saradomin cape Warpriest of Zamorak cape |
5000 | Dragon Token | This helm offers moderate protection against all attack styles. The armor adjusts itself along with your Defence level, reaching its full potential at level 75. |
Emotes and Titles | ||||
Champion of Saradomin Champion of Zamorak |
20,000 | Dragon Token | Show your devotion to your deity. | |
Hierophant title | 6000 | Dragon Token | Grants the title: Heirophant. | |
Consumables | ||||
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Divine Fury (Tier 3) | 150 | Gold Token | Increases the damage dealt to opponents on the battlefield by 20%. Lasts 20 minutes. |
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Divine Inspiration (Tier 3) | 600 | Gold Token | Increases the amount of Divine tears harvested by 50%. Lasts 20 minutes. |
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Guardian Angel (Tier 3) | 90 | Gold Token | The next four successful attacks from an opponent on the battlefield will deal only a single point of damage, if the damage is greater than your combat level. Lasts 20 minutes. |
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Smite (Tier 3) | 150 | Gold Token | Smites the target opponent on the battlefield, dealing 50% of their maximum health in elemental damage. Single use only. |
Experience Lamps | ||||
![]() |
Small XP lamp (tier 3) | 500 | Gold Token | Provides a small amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
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Medium XP lamp (tier 3) | 900 | Gold Token | Provides a moderate amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
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Large XP lamp (tier 3) | 1600 | Runite Token | Provides a large amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
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Huge XP lamp (tier 3) | 2900 | Dragon Token | Provides a huge amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
Weapon overrides are created by combining 1000 Sacred metal fragments and one of the following unfinished weapon parts.
Icyenic | Infernal | ||||
Image | Item | Override | Image | Item | Override |
![]() |
Bowstaff | Bow | ![]() |
Bowstaff | Bow |
![]() |
Greathammer head | Greathammer | ![]() |
Greathammer head | Greathammer |
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Orb | Staff | ![]() |
Orb | Staff |
While skilling at any of the plots on the battlefield or killing your opposing faction's followers you have a chance to unlock a random title. A message will display in your chatbox that you have unlocked a title.
Title |
the Boundless |
the Eternal |
the Powerful |
the Virtuous |
World Event 2: The Bird and the Beast (December 11th 2013 - January 21st 2014)

Before you can take part in the event, you must first choose a side, either Armadyl or Bandos. Speak to Kara-Meir at the crossroads north of Falador and she will give you directions to each god's camp.
Head to the camp of your choice, either Armadyl's at the Clan Camp or Bandos' at the Goblin village, and talk to the recruiter there to join their side. You will now be given a token of fealty and can begin to work on building your chosen god's weapon.
The main objective of this event is to ensure that your faction's caravans return safely to the camp with a full load of divine energy.
To find the location of a travelling caravan, check the war map at the base of the camp's tower. Once you've got the location, head there and you'll find the convoy.
Follow it until the diviners summon a group of energy springs and harvest these to help fill the caravan. You may also need to defend the caravan from attackers to ensure that it can successfully return to your camp when filled. Alternatively, you can do the attacking by locating a caravan of the opposing faction and making your way there.

As you gain renown, you accumulate votes (one renown gained is also one vote gained). These votes can be spent on buffs and upgrades to your faction, as well as methods to sabotage the other faction. However, only the most popular choice will win the vote and votes can come from anyone on your faction who contributes energy.
The voting interface is accessed by left-clicking the voting board or by using the 'Vote Escalation' option on your faction's record keeper. You will see how many votes you have to assign in the top-right corner, and the two options in the middle of the interface. At the very bottom you will see how long the vote has left.
To vote, click the 'vote' button below the option you'd like to see, choose how many votes you'd like to assign, then press confirm. Above the vote button you can see how many of your votes you've already spent on that option.
There are three things that can be voted for: Army Management, Microchanges and Escalations.

Players can vote at the Lectern at the base of either of the god towers, or by talking to their respective record keeper.
Army management is used to recruit more army units such as, Bodyguards, Ambushers and Battle-mages as well as increase the factions Morale. After voting players can choose any skill to receive bonus experience in. This experience will be received when training the chosen skill.
The bonus experience is only available on members worlds.
Phase 1 | Phase 2 | Phase 3 | Phase 4 |
Choose who we should focus on recruiting. | Where should we send our recruiters? | What recruitment tactics should we employ this week? | What institutions are ripe for recruiting from? |
Options | |||
A Mix of Fighters and supporters. Balanved recruiting. |
The city of Falador. More bodyguards but no ambushers. |
Hire mercenaries. Focus on ambushers and body guards at a cost to morale. |
Prisons - bail out inmates. Many bodyguards and other recruits at a cost to morale. |
Fanatics and sympathisers. Focus on ambushers and battle-mages. |
Varrock's slums. More ambushers but no morale gain. |
Appeal to the people's fervour. Battle-mages and a morale boost. |
The Wizards' Guild - recruit wizards. A high number of battle-mages. |
All we can get, reguardless of skill. Greater recruitment at a cost to morale. |
Vaillages such as Catherby. More battle-mages but no ambushers. |
Offer a sign-up bounty to volunteers. Bodyguards and ambushers with a small morale boost. |
Workshops - entice apprentices away. A broad range of recruits. |
Cooks, workers, healers, etc Large increase in morale. |
Ardougne and its marketplace. More morale but no battle-mages. |
Send out press gangs. Even recruitment at a high cost to morale. |
The Duel Arena - pick the best. A smaller number of ambushers with high morale. |
Winning Vote | |||
Both: A Mix of Fighters and supporters. |
Both: The city of Falador. | Armadyl: Hire mercenaries. Bandos: Appeal to the people's fervour. |
Armadyl: The Wizards' Guild. Bandos: The Duel Arena. |
Phase 5 | Phase 6 | Phase 7 |
How should we focus on training those raw recruits not yet given a task? | We need to search further afield for troops. Where should we look? | The weapon is almost charged. We need one final push. |
Options | ||
Attack and offence. Large numbers of ambushers with some bodyguards. |
The Karamja docks. A broad range of troops. |
Hire everyone we can find. Many troops of all types at a cost to morale. |
Defence and protection. Large numbers of bodyguards with a small morale boost. |
The far west, near the elves. Focus on bodyguards and battle-mages. |
Focus on a last assault. Many ambushers with a morale boost. |
Logistics and provision. Large numbers of battle-mages with some ambushers. |
Guerrilas from Morytania. Focus on ambushers and battle-mages. |
Ensure we have enough workers. Battle-mages as well as other troops and a small morale boost. |
Support and healing. A substantial morale boost with some battle-mages. |
The Fremennik to the north. Focus on bodyguards with a boost to morale. | Fiercely protect what we have. Troops mainly consisting of bodyguards. |
Winning Vote | ||
Armadyl: Attack and offence. Bandos: Support and healing. |
Armadyl: The far west, near the elves. Bandos: The Fremennik to the north. |
Armadyl: Fiercely protect what we have. Bandos: Hire everyone we can find. |
Microchanges provide buffs or boosts to your faction. Each vote offers a choice between very similar buffs.
Each faction's chosen buffs will be added to the event interface as an icon.
Days 1-5 (Phase 1) | |
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Improved diviner gather rate: A 10% increase in the amount of divine resources your faction's diviners collect, for every gather action they perform. | Increase caravan capacity: A 10% increase in the amount of divine resources that can be collected by a convoy. |
Winning Vote | |
Armadyl | Bandos |
Improved diviner gather rate. | Improved diviner gather rate. |
Days 11-15 (Phase 3) | |
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Increased caravan life points: A 10% increase in the life points of caravan units within your faction's convoys. | Increased bodyguard damage: A 50% increase in the damage dealt to enemies, by your faction's bodyguards. |
Winning Vote | |
Armadyl | Bandos |
Increased bodyguard damage. | Increased bodyguard damage. |
Days 21-25 (Phase 5) | |
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Improved player healing rate: A 10% increase in the amount a player can heal their faction's bodyguard and caravan units. | Improved player gather rate: A 10% increase in the amount of divine resources a player can contribute to their faction's convoy. |
Winning Vote | |
Armadyl | Bandos |
Improved player gather rate. | Improved player gather rate. |
Days 31-35 (Phase 7) | |
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Increased building resilience: A 15% increase in the initial resilience of buildings constructed by your faction. | Improved building effects: Buildings constructed by your faction will have a boost to their effects. |
Winning Vote | |
Armadyl | Bandos |
Improved building effects. | Improved building effects. |
Escalations are all themed around increasing the difficulty and urgency of the battle. These escalations either let you increase the power of your convoys against the opposition, or provide additional benefits to your faction.
When an escalation is brought in, rates of interference by the Godless faction increases.
Days 6-10 (Phase 2) | |
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Better bodyguard: One bodyguard in your faction's convoys will be exchanged for an upgraded version. | Better diviner: One diviner in your faction's convoys will be exchanged for an upgraded version. |
Winning Vote | |
Armadyl | Bandos |
Better diviner | Better bodyguard |
Days 16-20 (Phase 4) | |
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Bigger caravan: One caravan unit in your faction's convoys will be exchanged for an upgraded version with 40% extra capacity. | Tougher caravan: One caravan unit in your faction's convoys will be exchanged for an upgraded version with 50% extra life points. |
Winning Vote | |
Armadyl | Bandos |
Bigger caravan. | Tougher caravan. |
Days 26-30 (Phase 6) | |
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Reduced frequency of Godless attacks: Your faction's convoys and buildings are 15% less likely to be ambushed by the Godless. | Greater benefit from holding a majority of buildings: Passive benefits received from having buildings at a majority of sites are boosted by 10%. |
Winning Vote | |
Armadyl | Bandos |
Greater benefit from holding a majority of buildings. | Greater benefit from holding a majority of buildings. |

Golems are mechanical warriors that assist its faction by either defending caravans or attacking enemies for a period of time. To help build a golem for your faction you will need to go up to the first floor of faction camp, there you will find a golem master.
A golem is made up with a head, a pair of arms, a pair of legs, and a body. Each one of these parts has 3 selections for you to contribute towards. Each selection will make the golem act in a different way. Once one section for a part reaches 100% that part will be built, once all 4 parts are built it will leave the base camp and act the way that the parts make it. A golem will stay active for a total of 2 hours before a new one needs to be built.
Limbs are either offensive or defensive (special limbs count as defensive). A golem with more offensive parts than defensive parts is an offensive type, otherwise it is a defensive type.
- Defensive golems will teleport to any friendly convoy and follow it as an extra bodyguard, attacking any players, golems or NPCs that attempt to interact with that caravan.
- Offensive golems will teleport to any enemy convoy that is not moving and will attack that convoy starting with a golem, then the bodyguards, then the caravan. Should there be no enemy convoys at a node, the golem will wait until their is. Should a player attack the golem while it is waiting it will defend itself until a caravan arrives at a node in which case the golem will teleport to the caravan.
All golems, regardless of their type, prefer to attack a player that is attacking it, over an NPC and will only follow a player so far from the node which they're attacking/defending.
The following table shows the available body parts for the golems.
Body Part | Offensive | Defensive | Special |
Head | This head gives the golem increased attacking power and speed. | This head gives the golem increased armour and lifespan. | This head gives the golem a rallying cry special ability, which aids allies in defending and repairing caravans. |
Torso | This torso gives the golem increased attacking power and speed. | This torso gives the golem increased armour and lifespan. | This torso gives the golem a healing aura, which heals nearby allies. |
Legs | These legs give the golem increased attacking power and speed. | These legs give the golem increased armour and lifespan. | These legs give the golem a special attack which stuns nearby enemies. It also has increased attack speed. |
Arms | These arms give the golem increased attacking power and speed. | These arms give the golem increased armour and lifespan. | These arms give the golem a gather special ability, causing nearby allies to collect resources quicker. |

Strategies provide small changes in your faction's tactics. Each vote offers a choice between very similar strategies.
You can only vote for one strategy, but you can change this vote at any time. The strategy with the most votes at any one time is implemented as the active strategy. Should votes turn the other way, the strategy will change immediately.
The below table shows the different strategies available for voting.
Category | Option 1 | Option 2 |
Distance | Longer expeditions, construct buildings faster. | Shorter expeditions. |
Defence | Larger caravans that can hold more divine energy. | Tougher bodyguards, to defend the caravans better. |
Divination | Longer expeditions, faster gatherers. | Shorter expeditions. |
Risk | More convoys, attracting more opponent attention. | Standar convoy frequency, with lower chance of ambush. |
Random events are out of player control and depend only on the location of the caravans. If a caravan has reached its destination then any of the gathering events could occur, if the caravan is still travelling and is at a node then the passing events could occur.
Passing events will happen at a node where a caravan is, all of these events will last upto 10 minutes unless otherwise stated. If enough players take part in the event before the end of 10 minutes then it will end early. Note: You cannot take part in the same random event in the same location twice, you will only be able to gain information if you speak to the same character.
Name | Info | Player Limit |
Treasure | A chest appears which can be searched to gain money, the amount given will depend on your total skill level. | 10 |
Golem parts | A follower of Sliske appears and will ask if you want to accept golem parts. If accepted you will receive 5% in all golem sections. | 20 |
Truce | A member of the Godless appears and will ask you which side the Godless will offer a 2 hour truce to. You can choose either side, regardless of alignment. The first faction with 20 players to request the truce will have further Godless attacks on caravans and buildings stopped. | 39 |
Tricking the Godless | A follower of Sliske appears and will ask if you want to trick the Godless into attacking the other faction. The first faction with 20 players to accept this aid will ensure that the Godless will attack an enemy building. If there are no buildings, or a truce in place, the attack may be delayed for up to an hour. | 39 |
Alchemist | A wandering alchemist appears and will ask if you want to try a potion. The potion will restore 4,000-6,000 energy for members and 2,000-3,000 for free players. | 40 |
Makeshift banner | If the caravan is at a neutral node where there is no building, a makeshift banner will be placed on the node. There is no safe period for this building and it will only have 15 minutes of resilience. | N/A |
Builders | A master builder and a builder will show up at a random neutral node that has no building and will ask if you want them to build a building for your faction. The first faction with 10 players to ask for the building will get a random building for their cause on the node. This event may occur on any node with no building and no other building events, not just the one the caravan passes. During this time the players should not be able to start their own construction on this node and the building will have no safe period. | 19 |
Brigands | A brigand boss and a brigand will show up on a node and demand donations before they will allow construction on the node. You will not be able to build anything upon the node unless 300,000 gold is given to them. The brigands will not take less than 10,000 or more than 50,000 from any player and will only take one donation per player. This event lasts for 30 minutes and may occur on any node with no building and no other building events, not just the one the caravan passes. | 30 |
These events all happen at the final node.
Name | Info |
Small wisps | Wisps are smaller than normal. Gathering is done at 3/4 of the rate by both players and the diviners at this node. |
Large wisps | Wisps are larger than normal. Gathering is done at 5/4 of the rate by both players and the diviners at this node. |
Enriched wisps | One wisp in the colony is replaced with an enriched node that provides 175% rate for players only. |
Bodyguard armour | Bodyguards have bonus armour. Damage is reduce to 3/4 of normal. |
Dysentery | One of the bodyguards at random acquires a serious disease and takes 1,000-4,000 damage every 5 seconds for about 50 seconds. |
Ambush | A godless ambush occurs on the caravan. |
Poison gas | A poison gas cloud appears dealing a small amount of damage to nearby NPCs and players, and reducing the damage dealt by any golems caught in the cloud. More damage is done towards the center of the cloud. Caravan NPCs are not affected. |
Defenders | Locals appear to defend the caravan. These will attack any player who attacks the caravan, guards or diviners. |
Disruptor rod | Players nearby with disruptor rods either have them discharged or recharged. This event will not recharge empty rods, but will add or take away two charges randomly. Note that a rod can have no more than 10 charges. |
Poisoned weapons | The bodyguard NPCs have poisoned weapons. This only occurs on member's worlds. |

The Token of Fealty from your chosen faction will upgrade automatically upon reaching certain Renown milestones.
The above bonuses will be present on all future versions of your token (for example, the increase to divine energy gained will first be awarded on the silver token, but will also be in effect on the gold, runite and dragon token, as well as the extra bonuses).
Requisitions can be bought from the Quartermaster in both of the faction camps, each item requires you to have reached a certain level with your Token of Fealty.
Tier 1 | ||||
Image | Name | Renown Cost |
Required Token |
Description |
Sacred Armor | ||||
![]() ![]() |
Warpriest of Armadyl gauntlets Warpriest of Bandos gauntlets |
13,000 | Silver Token | These gauntlets offer moderate protection against all attack styles. They adjust themselves along with your Defence level, reaching their full potential at level 75. |
![]() ![]() |
Warpriest of Armadyl boots Warpriest of Bandos boots |
25,000 | Bronze Token | These boots offer moderate protection against all attack styles. They adjust themselves along with your Defence level, reaching their full potential at level 75. |
Emotes and Titles | ||||
Scout title Grunt title |
22,000 | Silver Token | Grants the title: Scout/Grunt. | |
Armadyl's Glory I Bandos's Might I |
23,000 | Silver Token | Show your devotion to your deity. | |
Experience Lamps | ||||
![]() |
Small XP lamp (tier 1) | 4,000 | Bronze Token | Provides a small amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
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Medium XP lamp (tier 1) | 7,000 | Bronze Token | Provides a moderate amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
![]() |
Large XP lamp (tier 1) | 13,000 | Silver Token | Provides a large amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
![]() |
Huge XP lamp (tier 1) | 25,000 | Silver Token | Provides a huge amount of experience in a skill of your choice. |
Abilities | ||||
![]() |
Sacrifice | 21,000 | Gold Token | A basic ability that deals 100% damage to your opponent, ignoring protection prayers. Heals 25% of damage you deal, or 100% if your target dies. |
Tier 2 | ||||
Image | Name | Renown Cost |
Required Token |
Description |
Sacred Armor | ||||
![]() ![]() |
Warpriest of Armadyl greaves Warpriest of Bandos greaves |
25,000 | Silver Token | These greaves offer moderate protection against all attack styles. The armour adjusts itself along with your Defence level, reaching its full potential at level 75. |
![]() ![]() |
Warpriest of Armadyl cuirass Warpriest of Bandos cuirass |
41,000 | Gold Token | This cuirass offers moderate protection against all attack styles. The armour adjusts itself along with your Defence level, reaching its full potential at level 75. |
Emotes and Titles | ||||
Wingman title Soldier title |
40,000 | Gold Token | Grants the title: Wingman/Soldier. | |
Armadyl's Glory II Bandos's Might II |
40,000 | Gold Token | Show your devotion to your deity. | |
Abilities | ||||
![]() |
Devotion | 32,000 | Runite Token | A threshold ability that makes your protection prayers 100% effective for 20 seconds. Killing an opponent refreshes the duration of the effect. |
Tier 3 | ||||
Image | Name | Renown Cost |
Required Token |
Description |
Sacred Armor | ||||
![]() ![]() |
Warpriest of Armadyl helm Warpriest of Bandos helm |
55,000 | Runite Token | This helm offers moderate protection against all attack styles. The armour adjusts itself along with your Defence level, reaching its full potential at level 75. |
![]() ![]() |
Warpriest of Armadyl cape Warpriest of Bandos cape |
41,000 | Dragon Token | This cape offers moderate protection against all attack styles. The armour adjusts itself along with your Defence level, reaching its full potential at level 75. |
Emotes and Titles | ||||
Wingleader title Veteran title |
73,000 | Dragon Token | Grants the title: Wingleader/Veteran. | |
Armadyl's Glory III Bandos's Might III |
165,000 | Dragon Token | Show your devotion to your deity. | |
Abilities | ||||
![]() |
Transfigure | 105,000 | Dragon Token | An ultimate ability that stuns you for 6 seconds. When the stun ends, you heal 250% of any damage taken during the stun, and become immune to stuns for 15 seconds. |
Weapon overrides are created by combining 1000 Sacred metal fragments and one of the weapon components in the table below. These fragments and weapon components can be obtained in one of the following ways:
- You kill a bodyguard.
- You kill an ambusher of any type.
- A convoy despawns after suffering maximum damage.
- A building is prevented from being finished, or a completed building is destroyed.
- If you are gathering at convoy when it despawns.
- When a building is completed.
- When a PvP weapon is depleted.
Aviansie | Orkish | ||||
Image | Item | Override | Image | Item | Override |
![]() |
Claw component | Claws | ![]() |
Claw component | Claws |
![]() |
Shield component | Shield | ![]() |
Shield component | Shield |
![]() |
Throwing star component | Thrown | ![]() |
Throwing star component | Thrown |
![]() |
Wand component | Wand | ![]() |
Wand component | Wand |
This Special Report was written by Tabion and Amoa. Thanks to Darkblitz, 3PurpleSnow3, sonic ya, Javezz, and ssj5brolli for corrections.
This Special Report was entered into the database on Thu, Jul 25, 2013, at 11:21:14 AM by Tabion, and it was last updated on Tue, Jan 21, 2014, at 11:23:20 PM by Amoa.
If anything is incorrect or missing, or if you have any new information to submit to this database, please submit it to us on our Content Submissions Forums.
If you see this guide on any other site, please report it to us so we can take legal action against anyone found stealing our content. This guide is copyrighted by RuneHQ, and its use on other sites is expressly forbidden. Do not ask if you can use our guides or images, the answer is and always will be NO!
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