Chef's hat | Sous chef's toque | Modified sous chef toque | Cooking cape |
*Completion of the Hard Varrock Achievements can also permit you into the Guild, without wearing any of the mentioned hats.
Digsite Pendant | Luck of the Dwarves | Fort Forinthry Teleport (for step 10) | Skills Necklace (for step 10) | ||||
Varrock teleport runes | Varrok teletabs |
Cream cheese | Cheesecake ingredients | Biscuit dough | Biscuits | ||||
Cheesecake | Cheesecake delivery list | 2/3 cheesecake | Slice of cheesecake |
Talk to the Head Chef in the Cooks' Guild and ask him if he has any quests for you. He will tell you about how the Lumbridge Castle cook spoke highly of your efforts to help him with the Duke's birthday cake. If you have completed Recipe for Disaster, he will speak of that as well. Then he will ask you if you can be discrete. By saying yes, the quest page will open so you can accept the quest.
The Cooks, Apprentices and Kitchen Experts Society's (CAKES) leader has "retired" and they are looking for a new leader. The Head Chef needs you to help him get the position. He has been working on a new dessert to show off to the other members to convince them. After hyping it up beyond belief, he will reveal that the dessert is Cheesecake. He has trouble explaining it to you, and has to show you, but he has run out of the primary ingredient: Cream cheese. Offer to go get him some and he will send you off to Phil and Delphie in Falador.
Go to Falador, North of the Artisan's Workshop, and talk to Phil or Delphie. They will make it clear that the Head Chef's "Top Secret" recipe isn't that secret because he hints about it, gets drunk, and gives away everything. Regardless, you still need Cream cheese, but they cannot supply it because their dairy churn fell apart. It seems they have been using it to make copious amounts of Cheesecake to give to customers, especially from the Party Room. They will ask you to repair the dairy churn, and in return they will teach you how to make Cream cheese.
To repair the dairy churn you will need Logs and a Steel bar. Note that not just any logs will work- you must use basic level 1 logs. Also note that the Steel bar must be in your inventory, having them in the metal bank doesn't work! After you repair the churn, talk to Phil or Delphie again. They will want to teach you, but are out of milk. Good thing you have a Bucket of milk with you! Churn with the dairy churn and you will have Cream cheese as a churning option. Make some and return to the Head Chef.
Talking to the Head Chef, he will say he needs two more ingredients: a Pot of cream and some Biscuits. He will tell you how to make Biscuits, and then will give you Cheesecake ingredients. Use the Pot of flour on the Pat of butter to open the dough interface and make some Biscuit dough. Then use the Biscuit dough on a range (there are some upstairs for those who haven't completed the Varrock Hard Task Set) to make Biscuits.
- With all the ingredients in your inventory (Pot of cream, Cream cheese, a Cake tin, and Biscuits), talk to the Head Chef. He will tell you how to make the Cheesecake (in a very extravagant way). Use the Cake tin's mix option (go to the second floor and get a Cake tin if you don't have one) and cook yourself some Cheesecake.
Talk to the Head Chef again. He will ask you to take the Cheesecake to the members of the Cooks, Apprentices, and Kitchen Experts Society, because he apparently cannot leave the Cooks' Guild. What if someone comes by looking to buy a skillcape? He will give you a Cheesecake delivery list.
Head to Taverley, just East of the lodestone to talk to Mess Sergeant Ramsey, offering him some of the Cheesecake. He will go back and forth on whether or not he likes it, but says that the Head Chef has his vote. His sampling of the Cheesecake will turn it into 2/3 cheesecake.
Next on your list is the Lumbridge Castle Cook. Go to Lumbridge, enter the castle, and talk to him. You will be given the choice to offer him some of the Cheesecake. He will like it and wonder what else could be combined... maybe banana bread... which you will scold him for suggesting. Regardless, the Cook says that he will vote for the Head Chef. At this point you will only have a single Slice of cheesecake remaining.
Finally, go to the Jolly Boar Inn just Northeast of Varrock and talk to the Cook. He will complain that he's busy, but when you offer him the Cheesecake, he will be floored and say the Head Chef has his vote.
Return to the Cooks' Guild and talk to the Head Chef. He will be very happy as the members of CAKES have voted him to be their new leader and give you your reward.
Congratulations, quest complete!

After the quest, players can bring a Bacon cheesecake, Lemon cheesecake, Strawberry cheesecake, Chocolate cheesecake, and Vanilla cheesecake back to the Head Chef to receive a 25 Biscuits and a Cooking lamp that gives 8,000 experience. If you make all of them yourself, it will unlock the achievement "Cheese and biscuits", which requires you to make one of each cheesecake.
This Quest Guide was written by 3ter 1.
This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Tue, Feb 12, 2019, at 12:32:47 AM by Chath, and it was last updated on Mon, Feb 20, 2023, at 03:31:54 PM by KsbSingle.
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