Chef's Assistant (for Ironmen to make Biscuits)
3 Split fir logs* | 15 Steel nails | 6 Bolt of cloth | Thread or Crafting cape | ||||
Red dye | Green dye | Chocolate dust | Bucket of milk | ||||
Biscuits |
Talk to Diango or Cait in his workshop in Christmas village. Here you will learn that due to some unfortunate circumstances with the imps, Santa has requested Diango's to take over the toy workshop. Diango happily agrees, but him and Cait will need some assistance getting the place up and running.
Your first task will be to build the 3 workbenches at the piles of planks in the North area of workshop. To build, each one will need 1 Split fir logs and 5 Steel nails. When building, Toby may interrupt. He can easily be shooed away by clicking him. Not shooing him away will result in him messing with you and interrupting your build. Nothing will be affected, you will simply need to begin building again.
Split fir logs can be obtained by chopping Fir trees outside the workshop and splitting the logs. This activity can be done before and after the quest.
With the workbenches built, return to Diango and Cait for your next task: enlisting workers. Cait will give you a "list" of 5 pixies which can be recruited, their rough location, and a Magical thingymabob to help locate them. While she will give you 5 names, she will inform you that you will only need to enlist 3 of the before the others will catch wind and join.
Pixie Closest City Location Map Members? Aoife Lumbridge crater North West of the pond Shauna Al Kharid Outside the Abbey gates Maeve Daemonheim Upstairs in the North West room, near the Archaeologist Niamh Tree Gnome Stronghold South of the Gnome ball field Shannon Zanaris In the house North of the bank -
With your pixies recruited, return to Diango and Cait. He will insist that something feels off and Toby will rudely point out that the pixies have no style. Cait will begrudgingly agree that their brown outfits are a bit outdated and Diango will ask you to see about getting them new uniforms.
Go to Varrock and talk to Iffie. She will provide you with a Pixie uniform pattern with which to jazz up your workers. In addition to the pattern, you will need 6 Bolt of cloth, Thread (or Crafting cape), Red dye, and Green dye. Use one of the dyes on the other one and choose to make Christmas dye then click the pattern to create Pixie uniforms.
With the outfits in hand, return to Diango and Cait. She will be impressed with your sewing skills and he will ask you to choose which option you want the pixies to wear: red and black, green and red, or candy cane. The color chosen doesn't directly affect any results of the quest so you are free to choose whichever one you like. Note that these can be changed post quest by speaking to Cait.
With uniforms settled, Diango will ask Cait if there is anything else they are missing. She will mention that some of the pixies mentioned that there was no food or drink in the kitchen anymore - seems the imps were a bit peckish. As such, you will now need to restock the kitchen. You are welcome to speak with each pixie and see what their preferences are (listed below) or you can simply skip to the next step. You are not required to speak with any of them.
Pixie Hot Chocolate Cookie Aoife Dark Shortbread Maeve Dark Gingerbread Niamh Dark Gingerbread Shannon Milk Chocolate chip Shauna Milk Chocolate chip -
With 1 Biscuits, 1 Bucket of milk, and 1 Chocolate dust you will now restock the kitchen. Click the biscuit storage (yellow) then store 1 Shortbread, 2 Chocolate chip, and 2 Gingerbread cookies. Click the hot chocolate storage (blue) then store 0 white, 2 milk, and 3 dark hot chocolates.
Report back to Diango and Cait for the last time and they will thank you for your assistance. The workshop is fully up and running!
Congratulations, Quest Complete!
This Quest Guide was written by Sy Accursed and ChathMurrpau.
This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Sat, Dec 07, 2024, at 06:50:26 PM by Chath, and it was last updated on Wed, Jan 01, 2025, at 01:22:57 PM by Alk12.
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