Combat Effects:
Damage Accuracy
0 0

Strength Magic Ranged Necromancy
0.0 0.0 0.0 Unknown, please submit.

Attributes Armour Life Bonus Prayer Bonus
0 0 0

Styles Class Attack Style Attack Speed
43 Invention to make (Exp: 500).
Where Found:
Won on Treasure Hunter; Player Made (See Notes).
Item Uses:
Used to disassemble for components or Bonus experience and/or alchemize Monster drops automatically.
Before you can make this item, you must research it at the Inventor's workbench (Discover) an Invention workshop.

This item is created on an Inventor's workbench (Manufacture) with:
  • 500 Tensile parts
  • 300 Simple parts
  • 300 Flexible parts
  • 50 Precise components
Once created, it comes with 100 charges and can hold up to 250,000 charges. Charges can be added with either Tight springs or regular springs.

In addition to charging a Spring cleaner, springs of both type can be used to upgrade your spring cleaner. Note that Spring cleaners can also be upgraded via normal usage. Either method will use the same amount of springs, the difference is that spending springs to upgrade it will occur and the springs will not be used to disassemble/research/alchemize items dropped.
Tier Spring Cost Total Springs Modes Research Dismantle Other
Spring Cleaner
0 0 75% of the experience earned in item creation N/A N/A
Spring Cleaner 2000
200 200 125% of the experience earned in item creation 70% chance of complete breakdown Can now be equipped in your pocket
Spring Cleaner 3000
400 600 200% of the experience earned in item creation 72% chance of complete breakdown N/A
Spring Cleaner 5000
1,200 1,800 200% of the experience earned in item creation 74% chance of complete breakdown Spring cleaner now has dialogue for entertainment
Spring Cleaner 9000
2,200 4,000 275% of the experience earned in item creation 75% chance of complete breakdown N/A
Spring Cleaner 9001
6,000 10,000 275% of the experience earned in item creation 75% chance of complete breakdown Noted items can now be Researched and Dismantled


In order for the effects of these Modes to activate, you must be within range of the item dropping. Items obtained from the Crystal chest, Implings, PVP, and Reward chests (Araxxi for example) or during Lootshare will never activate the effects of a Spring cleaner.


Research mode completely destroys the dropped item and grants appropriate bonus experience; 75-300% depending upon Spring cleaner tier. This mode is always successful. The type of experience earned for Researching items depends upon how it is made. Example: When items that are created in multiples drop, such as ammunition, this mode will not activate until you have collected that many of the item and 1 charge will be used for each group. Note that items over the group amount before it reaches the next group will be automatically consumed and an extra spring will not be used for them. As an example, 10 bolts are created at one time. If you recieve a drop of 32 bolts, 3 charges will be used and the remaining 2 bolts will be consumed as well.


Dismantle mode attempts to break down the item to base resources and sends them to your bank, but has a chance to fail. Failure can be partial or complete. Items that completely fail will drop to the floor whereas items that partially fail will send some of the items to your bank while other parts are destroyed. Items can also be dropped to the floor if there is no space in your bank upon breaking it down - no springs will be used in this case.

High Alch

In alch mode, any Salvage that the spring cleaner activates on is automatically alched and converted into coins equal to what it would have high alched for. It does not require runes and rewards no experience. Note that this mode only works on Salvages. It is advised to not alch anything below Medium Adamant salvage as the value of the Spring exceeds value received for alching those Salvages.


In disassembly mode, any Salvage that the spring cleaner activates on is automatically disassembled. This does not cost any charges from the Spring cleaner to do. Note that this mode only works on Salvages. It is advised to disassemble anything below Medium Adamant salvage as the value of the Spring exceeds value received for alching those Salvages.


This item cannot be disassembled.
0.453 kg
Examine Information:
A complicated gnomish device. Can break down selected item drops from NPCs into components, or bonus XP.

This Data was submitted by: Toeby, Numerous One, and ChathMurrpau

If anything is incorrect or missing, or if you have any new information to submit to this database, please submit it to us on our Content Submissions Forums.

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