No Requirements.
Where Found:
Item Uses:
Open to receive the reward from completing the Sealed clue scroll (elite).
If there are less than 9 spaces in the bank and backpack combined the casket will not open.

Common Rewards From Any Casket Level
Item Quantity GE price
Coins Coins 2,500-50,000 2,500-50,000
Meerkats pouch Meerkats pouch 3 502.2k Coins
Meerkat scroll (Fetch Casket) Meerkat scroll (Fetch Casket) 5-15 86.5k Coins - 259.5k Coins
Blue firelighter Blue firelighter 2-31 2,826 Coins - 43.8k Coins
Green firelighter Green firelighter 2-31 4,216 Coins - 65.3k Coins
Purple firelighter Purple firelighter 2-31 2,760 Coins - 42.8k Coins
Red firelighter Red firelighter 2-31 2,896 Coins - 44.9k Coins
White firelighter White firelighter 2-31 2,794 Coins - 43.3k Coins
Guthix arrows Guthix arrows 20-100 2,760 Coins - 13.8k Coins
Saradomin arrows Saradomin arrows 20-100 1,560 Coins - 7,800 Coins
Zamorak arrows Zamorak arrows 20-100 2,380 Coins - 11.9k Coins
Holy biscuit Holy biscuit 2-27 Not Tradable
Purple sweets Purple sweets 2-27 32.8k Coins - 164.0k Coins
Bandit Camp Teleport Bandit Camp Teleport Varies 1,987 Coins each
Clocktower Teleport Clocktower Teleport Varies 1,231 Coins each
Grand Exchange Teleport Grand Exchange Teleport Varies 7,355 Coins each
Gu'Tanoth Teleport Gu'Tanoth Teleport Varies 929 Coins each
Lighthouse Teleport Lighthouse Teleport Varies 50.7k Coins each
Fort Forinthry Teleport Fort Forinthry Teleport Varies 2,007 Coins each
Miscellania Teleport Miscellania Teleport Varies 495 Coins each
Phoenix Lair Teleport Phoenix Lair Teleport Varies 436 Coins each
Pollnivneach Teleport Pollnivneach Teleport Varies 867 Coins each
Tai Bwo Wannai Teleport Tai Bwo Wannai Teleport Varies 2,506 Coins each
Ancient page 1 Ancient page 1 1-3 12.4k Coins - 37.2k Coins
Ancient page 2 Ancient page 2 1-3 8,716 Coins - 26.1k Coins
Ancient page 3 Ancient page 3 1-3 8,019 Coins - 24.1k Coins
Ancient page 4 Ancient page 4 1-3 8,380 Coins - 25.1k Coins
Armadyl page 1 Armadyl page 1 1-3 51.5k Coins - 154.5k Coins
Armadyl page 2 Armadyl page 2 1-3 36.1k Coins - 108.3k Coins
Armadyl page 3 Armadyl page 3 1-3 35.8k Coins - 107.4k Coins
Armadyl page 4 Armadyl page 4 1-3 36.1k Coins - 108.3k Coins
Bandos page 1 Bandos page 1 1-3 11.5k Coins - 34.5k Coins
Bandos page 2 Bandos page 2 1-3 9,039 Coins - 27.1k Coins
Bandos page 3 Bandos page 3 1-3 11.4k Coins - 34.2k Coins
Bandos page 4 Bandos page 4 1-3 8,538 Coins - 25.6k Coins
Guthix page 1 Guthix page 1 1-3 46.8k Coins - 140.4k Coins
Guthix page 2 Guthix page 2 1-3 40.9k Coins - 122.7k Coins
Guthix page 3 Guthix page 3 1-3 42.0k Coins - 126.0k Coins
Guthix page 4 Guthix page 4 1-3 40.8k Coins - 122.4k Coins
Saradomin page 1 Saradomin page 1 1-3 30.8k Coins - 92.4k Coins
Saradomin page 2 Saradomin page 2 1-3 24.1k Coins - 72.3k Coins
Saradomin page 3 Saradomin page 3 1-3 23.7k Coins - 71.1k Coins
Saradomin page 4 Saradomin page 4 1-3 24.4k Coins - 73.2k Coins
Zamorak page 1 Zamorak page 1 1-3 30.3k Coins - 90.9k Coins
Zamorak page 2 Zamorak page 2 1-3 24.7k Coins - 74.1k Coins
Zamorak page 3 Zamorak page 3 1-3 23.6k Coins - 70.8k Coins
Zamorak page 4 Zamorak page 4 1-3 26.8k Coins - 80.4k Coins

Common Rewards From Elite Casket
Item Quantity GE price
Water talisman Water talisman 8 noted 7,232 Coins
Huge plated rune salvage Huge plated rune salvage 1 38.1k Coins
Mahogany plank Mahogany plank 40 noted 46.0k Coins
Royal dragonhide Royal dragonhide 15 noted 37.8k Coins
Antifire (4) Antifire (4) 9 noted 123.3k Coins
Prayer potion (4) Prayer potion (4) 9 noted 67.0k Coins
Super restore (4) Super restore (4) 9 noted 24.7k Coins
Runite stone spirit Runite stone spirit 15 35.8k Coins
Green salamander Green salamander 15 noted 24.3k Coins
Unicorn horn Unicorn horn 10 noted 8,050 Coins
Battlestaff Battlestaff 8 noted 32.7k Coins
Dragon helm Dragon helm 1 57.9k Coins
Onyx bolt tips Onyx bolt tips 12 82.8k Coins
Dragonfruit seed Dragonfruit seed 1 434 Coins
Guarana seed Guarana seed 1-2 2,432 Coins - 4,864 Coins
Grapevine seed Grapevine seed 1 779 Coins
Lychee seed Lychee seed 1-2 215 Coins - 430 Coins
Mango seed Mango seed 1-4 300 Coins - 1,200 Coins
Palm tree seed Palm tree seed 1 968 Coins
Papaya tree seed Papaya tree seed 1 192 Coins
Yew seed Yew seed 1-3 1,015 Coins - 3,045 Coins
Prismatic large fallen star 1 Not
Re-roll token (elite) Re-roll token (elite) 1 Not
Court summons Court summons 1 Not
Sealed clue scroll (master) Sealed clue scroll (master) 1/5 chance Not

Rare Rewards From Elite Casket
Item GE price Odds Fortunate Component
Robin Hood tunic Robin Hood tunic 1.2m Coins 1/1496 Fortuante Component
Robin Hood tights Robin Hood tights 1.2m Coins 1/1496 Fortuante Component
Dragon staff Dragon staff 1.3m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Penguin staff Penguin staff 1.3m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Bat staff Bat staff 1.3m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Wolf staff Wolf staff 1.1m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Cat staff Cat staff 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Dragon cane Dragon cane 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Fury ornament kit Fury ornament kit 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Dragon full helm ornament kit (or) Dragon full helm ornament kit (or) 6,301 Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (or) Dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (or) 962.7k Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Dragon platebody ornament kit (or) Dragon platebody ornament kit (or) 9,684 Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Dragon sq shield ornament kit (or) Dragon sq shield ornament kit (or) 278.0k Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Dragon full helm ornament kit (sp) Dragon full helm ornament kit (sp) 5,985 Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (sp) Dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (sp) 943.2k Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Dragon platebody ornament kit (sp) Dragon platebody ornament kit (sp) 10.3k Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Dragon sq shield ornament kit (sp) Dragon sq shield ornament kit (sp) 289.0k Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Armadyl crozier Armadyl crozier 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Bandos crozier Bandos crozier 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Ancient crozier Ancient crozier 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Armadyl stole Armadyl stole 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Bandos stole Bandos stole 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Ancient stole Ancient stole 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune platebody (Ancient) Rune platebody (Ancient) 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune platelegs (Ancient) Rune platelegs (Ancient) 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune plateskirt (Ancient) Rune plateskirt (Ancient) 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune full helm (Ancient) Rune full helm (Ancient) 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune kiteshield (Ancient) Rune kiteshield (Ancient) 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune platebody (Armadyl) Rune platebody (Armadyl) 1.1m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune platelegs (Armadyl) Rune platelegs (Armadyl) 1.1m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune plateskirt (Armadyl) Rune plateskirt (Armadyl) 1.1m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune full helm (Armadyl) Rune full helm (Armadyl) 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune kiteshield (Armadyl) Rune kiteshield (Armadyl) 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune platebody (Bandos) Rune platebody (Bandos) 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune platelegs (Bandos) Rune platelegs (Bandos) 1.1m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune plateskirt (Bandos) Rune plateskirt (Bandos) 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune full helm (Bandos) Rune full helm (Bandos) 1.1m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Rune kiteshield (Bandos) Rune kiteshield (Bandos) 1.2m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Blessed dragonhide vambraces (Zaros) Blessed dragonhide vambraces (Zaros) 1.3m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Blessed dragonhide body (Zaros) Blessed dragonhide body (Zaros) 1.3m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Blessed dragonhide chaps (Zaros) Blessed dragonhide chaps (Zaros) 1.3m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Blessed dragonhide coif (Zaros) Blessed dragonhide coif (Zaros) 1.4m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Blessed dragonhide vambraces (Bandos) Blessed dragonhide vambraces (Bandos) 1.4m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Blessed dragonhide body (Bandos) Blessed dragonhide body (Bandos) 1.3m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Blessed dragonhide chaps (Bandos) Blessed dragonhide chaps (Bandos) 1.3m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Blessed dragonhide coif (Bandos) Blessed dragonhide coif (Bandos) 1.3m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Blessed dragonhide vambraces (Armadyl) Blessed dragonhide vambraces (Armadyl) 1.4m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Blessed dragonhide body (Armadyl) Blessed dragonhide body (Armadyl) 1.4m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Blessed dragonhide chaps (Armadyl) Blessed dragonhide chaps (Armadyl) 1.4m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Blessed dragonhide coif (Armadyl) Blessed dragonhide coif (Armadyl) 1.4m Coins 1/748 Fortuante Component
Black dragon mask Black dragon mask 1.5m Coins 1/4490 Fortuante Component
Frost dragon mask Frost dragon mask 1.3m Coins 1/4490 Fortuante Component
Bronze dragon mask Bronze dragon mask 1.3m Coins 1/4490 Fortuante Component
Iron dragon mask Iron dragon mask 1.3m Coins 1/4490 Fortuante Component
Steel dragon mask Steel dragon mask 1.3m Coins 1/4490 Fortuante Component
Mithril dragon mask Mithril dragon mask 1.3m Coins 1/4490 Fortuante Component
Sack of effigies Sack of effigies 1.9m Coins 1/30371 Fortuante Component
Backstab cape Backstab cape 2.2m Coins 1/15575 Fortuante Component
Shadow dye Shadow dye 1,300.0m Coins 1/16465 Fortuante Component
Barrows dye Barrows dye 110.0m Coins 1/9199 Fortuante Component
Ice dye Ice dye 1,100.0m Coins 1/12545 Fortuante Component
Third Age dye Third Age dye 2,147.5m Coins 1/52390 Fortuante Component
Blood dye Blood dye 2,147.5m Coins 1/52390 Fortuante Component
Third age druidic staff Third age druidic staff 161.3m Coins 1/189654 Fortuante Component
Third age druidic cloak Third age druidic cloak 177.7m Coins 1/189654 Fortuante Component
Third-age druidic wreath Third-age druidic wreath 547.1m Coins 1/189654 Fortuante Component
Third age druidic robe top Third age druidic robe top 217.9m Coins 1/189654 Fortuante Component
Third-age druidic robe Third-age druidic robe 171.5m Coins 1/189654 Fortuante Component
Guthix bow Guthix bow 1.2m Coins 1/2290 Fortuante Component
Zamorak bow Zamorak bow 2.1m Coins 1/2290 Fortuante Component
Saradomin bow Saradomin bow 1.3m Coins 1/2290 Fortuante Component
This item cannot be disassembled.
0 kg
Examine Information:
There's treasure inside!

This Data was submitted by: Ksb Single

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