Weapon Stats |
Damage | Accuracy |
0 | 0 |
Damage Bonuses |
Strength | Magic | Ranged | Necromancy |
26.0 | 26.0 | 26.0 | Unknown |
Attributes | Armour | Life Bonus | Prayer Bonus |
44 | 0 | 5 |
Styles | Class | Attack Style | Attack Speed |
All | N/A | N/A |
Wearing this cape for the first time will unlock the 'Maxed' title. The cape can be used to teleport to the Max Guild in Prifddinas by equipping the item and right clicking on it.
If a new skill is released the Max Cape becomes unwearable until level 99 is achieved in the new skill.
This item can be placed on the cape rack in the Costume room of your Player-owned House. If lost or destroyed, you can talk to Max, or Elen Anterth, and buy it again.
Along with the Completionist cape and Completionist cape (t), this cape can be fed any of the normal Skillcapes in order to obtain their perks. Note that you can only have up to 3 perks on the cape at one time (removing a perk will not return the cape) and they are shared amongst the capes. Meaning that if you use the Cooking cape on this cape, both the Completionist cape and Completionist cape (t) will also obtain the perk, if you have one of them.
The available cape perks include:
Cape | Perk |
Agility cape | Gives a chance of double tickets from the Brimhaven Agility Arena. Stacks with the Karamja task set reward. |
Attack cape | Gives a chance for degradable items not to degrade. |
Constitution cape | Doubles life points regained over time. |
Construction cape | Reduces the cost of creating planks. |
Cooking cape | Prevents food from being burned. |
Crafting cape | Thread is no longer needed when crafting. |
Defence cape | Acts as a sign of life. Same cooldown. |
Divination cape | Gives a chance of saving Divination materials. |
Dungeoneering cape | Teleport to any available resource dungeon. |
Farming cape | Gives a chance of instantly harvesting a patch. |
Firemaking cape | Active to light a fire on the spot you're standing on. |
Fishing cape | Gives a chance to get a double catch. |
Fletching cape | Gives a chance of automatically stringing a bow when Fletching unstrung bows. |
Herblore cape | Activate to clean all herbs in your inventory for no XP. |
Hunter cape | Activate to give your Herblore Habitat vine plant the effects of its hunter potion. |
Invention cape | Slows the drain of invention charge. |
Magic cape | Activate to swap spellbooks at banks. |
Mining cape | Gives an invisible +2 skill bonus. |
Prayer cape | Imparts the same benefits as lit burners in a player-owned house. |
Ranged cape | Acts as Ava's devices(Ava's accumulator, Ava's alerter, Ava's attractor). |
Runecrafting cape | Activate to reveal the required rune for the Rune Goldberg Machine. |
Slayer cape | Activate to teleport to any Slayer master in the game that you can access. |
Smithing cape | Gives the same effect as the goldsmithing gauntlets. |
Strength cape | Dismember lasts an additional 2 seconds. |
Summoning cape | Gives a chance to save charms when infusing pouches. |
Thieving cape | Lowers your stunned time when caught from 4.2 seconds to 3. |
Woodcutting cape | Provides an increased chance at finding bird's nests and crystal geodes. |
Quest point cape | Adds 30 seconds onto your Tears of Guthix time. |
This Data was submitted by: DRAVAN, Javezz, Rooskii, ChathMurrpau and 3ter 1.
If anything is incorrect or missing, or if you have any new information to submit to this database, please submit it to us on our Content Submissions Forums.