Weapon Stats |
Damage | Accuracy |
1286 | 1486 |
Damage Bonuses |
Strength | Magic | Ranged | Necromancy |
0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | Unknown |
Attributes | Armour | Life Bonus | Prayer Bonus |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Styles | Class | Attack Style | Attack Speed |
Ranged | Arrow | Fast |
This bow can fire 2,500 shots before it will revert to a Crystal weapon seed and need to be recharged. Ilfeen can recharge a partially degraded crystal weapon for a price depending on its current charge.
Note that once this weapon is used it will no longer be tradable.
This Data was submitted by: Cabola the Dane, bainsy44, InuYasha3336, Psycho944, Spotty185, Glowing Red M, poison kill0, shadowalien2, Switcher, Chaosblade77, Rapmasterfx, missy_lover, Siegflare, kassandra, Epis Toastie, and Javezz.
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