Weapon Stats |
Damage | Accuracy |
0 | 110 |
Damage Bonuses |
Strength | Magic | Ranged | Necromancy |
0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | Unknown |
Attributes | Armour | Life Bonus | Prayer Bonus |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Styles | Class | Attack Style | Attack Speed |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
- successfully gathering an item grants 110% experience
- unsuccessfully gathering an item grants 5% of the experience you would have earned if you had been successful
Only Cobalt chinchompas will produce this item. Without any perks, you can obtain 30 skillchompas if grown to Elder; this will take about 1 day and 16 hours total. Each growth stage you will earn 10 skillchompas.
This item cannot be disassembled.This Data was submitted by: Deimos XD, ChathMurrpau, Alk12, and 3ter 1
If anything is incorrect or missing, or if you have any new information to submit to this database, please submit it to us on our Content Submissions Forums.