Items Needed:
Ogre Bellows, Ogre Bow, and Arrows are needed for all the Western Provinces diaries.
Starting Point:
Gnome Stronghold
Is this MiniGame Safe to play?:
Getting Started:



Rune Mysteries and Big Chompy Bird Hunting.

9 Hunter, 40 Combat, 15 Mining, 20 Fletching, and 30 Ranged.

Bird snare, any pickaxe, Oak Shortbow (u), Bow String, and Combat Equipment.

Western banner 1, 1 Antique lamp worth 2,500 experience in any skill at or above 30, 25% chance of 2 chompy birds appearing when Chompy bird hunting, and 25 free Ogre Arrows every day from Rantz.


Task Number Command What To Do
1 Catch a Copper Longtail. Requires level 9 hunter and you'll need a bird snare.
2 Complete a novice game of Pest Control. Requires level 40 combat.
3 Mine some iron ore near Piscatoris. Requires level 15 mining and any pickaxe.
4 Complete a lap of the Gnome Stronghold Agility Course. No requirements.
5 Score a goal in a Gnome Ball match. No requirements.
6 Claim a Chompy Bird Hat from Rantz. Requires the completion of Big Chompy Bird Hunting, level 5 fletching, and 30 ranged. You'll need to kill 30 chompy or jubbly birds with the ogre bow and arrows.
7 Teleport to Pest Control using the mini-game teleports. Requires level 40 combat.
8 Collect a swamp toad at the Gnome Stronghold. No requirements.
9 Have Brimstail teleport you to the Rune Essence Mine. Requires the completion of Rune Mysteries.
10 Fletch an Oak Shortbow from scratch in the Gnone Stronghold. Requires level 20 fletching. You'll need an oak shortbow (u) and a bow string. It's best to make it around Nieve/Steve.
11 Kill a Terorbird in the Terrorbird enclosure. No requirements. You'll need a weapon.



The Grand Tree, Tree Gnome Village, Monkey Madness, One Small Favour, Big Chompy Bird Hunting, Eagle's Peak, and The Eyes of Glouphrie.

37 Agility, 31 Hunter, 46 Fishing, 35 Woodcutting, 35 Firemaking, 70 Combat, 5 Fletching, 30 Ranged, 42 Cooking, and 40 Mining.

Teasing Stick, Logs, Knife, Big Fishing Net, any Axe, Tinderbox, Rope, Gnomebowl mould, Gianne Dough, 4 Chocolate Bars, 1 Equa Leaves, 2 Pot of Cream, Chocolate Dust, Small Crystal Seed, and any Pickaxe.

Western banner 2, all Easy rewards, 1 Antique lamp worth 7,500 experience in any skill at or above 40, 50% chance of 2 chompy birds appearing when Chompy bird hunting, Crystal saw holds twice as many charges (56 charges), and 50 free ogre arrows every day from Rantz.


Task Number Command What To Do
1 Take the agility shortcut from the Grand Tree to Otto's Grotto. Requires the completion of The Grand Tree and Tree Gnome Village. You'll need level 37 agility.
2 Travel to the Tree Gnome Stronghold by Spirit tree. Requires the completion of Tree Gnome Village.
3 Trap a Spined larupia. Requires level 31 hunting. You'll need a teasing stick, knife, and logs.
4 Fish some bass on Ape Atoll. Requires the completion of Monkey Madness and level 46 fishing. You'll need a big fishing net.
5 Chop and burn some teak logs on Ape Atoll. Requires the completion of Monkey Madness, level 35 woodcutting, and 35 firemaking. You'll need an axe and a tinderbox.
6 Complete an intermediate game of Pest Control. Requires level 70 combat.
7 Travel to the Feldip Hills by Gnome Glider. Requires the completion of The Grand Tree and One Small Favour.
8 Claim a Chompy bird hat from Rantz after registering at least 125 kills. Requires the completion of Big Chompy Bird Hunting, level 5 fletching, and 30 ranged. If you haven't gotten 125 chompy kills, you'll need an ogre bow and arrows and the ogre bellows.
9 Travel from Eagles' Peak to the Feldip Hills by Eagle. Requires the completion of Eagle's Peak and you'll need a rope.
10 Make a Chocolate bomb at the Grand Tree. Requires level 42 cooking and you'll need gnomebowl mould, gianne dough, 1 equa leaf, 1 chocolate dust, 2 creams, and 4 chocolate bars.
11 Complete a delivery for the Gnome Restaurant. No quest requirements but The Grand Tree is recommended for this task. You're cooking level needs to be at least 42.
12 Turn your small crystal seed into a crystal saw. Requires the completion of The Eyes of Glouphrie and you'll need a crystal seed. Right click "Sing glass" to complete the task.
13 Mine some gold ore underneath the Grand Tree. Requires the completion of The Grand Tree, level 40 mining, and you'll need a pickaxe. You can get under the Grand Tree by entering the trap door next to King Narnode and pulling on the roots to get through.



Roving Elves, Swan Song, Monkey Madness, Regicide, Big Chompy Bird Hunting, and Tree Gnome Village. You must have started Mourning's End Part I and freed Awowogei from Recipe for Disaster.

70 Ranged, 50 Agility, 62 Fishing, 62 Cooking, 100 Combat, 69 Hunter, 50 Woodcutting, 50 Firemaking, 70 Mining, 68 Farming, 5 Fletching, 65 Construction, 64 Magic, and 75 Thieving.

Crystal bow, Small Fishing Net, 500 Coins, Ninja Monkey Greegree, any Axe, Tinderbox, any Pickaxe, Palm Tree Seed or Sapling, 3 Mahogany Plank, Painting of Isafdar, Saw, Hammer, Combat Equipment, 2 Law Runes, 2 Fire Runes, 2 Water Runes, and a Banana.

Western banner 3(One free daily teleport to the Piscatoris Fishing Colony), all Medium rewards, 1 Antique lamp worth 15,000 experience in any skill at or above 50 the ability to upgrade the Void Nnight top and bottom to have +3 prayer bonus for 200 pest control points each (Speak to the Elite Void Knight), access to the locked room under the temple on Ape Atoll (the room with the Monkey skull), access to the Hunter master's new private red chinchompa hunting ground, 100 free Ogre Arrows every day from Rantz, teleport crystals will now hold up to 5 charges, and Islwyn will now offer to sell you a crystal halberd for 750,000 coins.


Task Number Command What To Do
1 Kill an elf with a crystal bow. Requires the completion of Roving Elves, level 70 ranged, and 50 agility. You'll need a crystal bow. Don't try to kill any elves by the dark beasts because they won't count toward completing this task.
2 Catch and cook a monkfish in Piscatoris. Requires the completion of Swan Song and level 62 in fishing and cooking. You'll need a small fishing net.

You can arrive at Piscatoris by buying a teleport tab or using fairy ring code: AKQ.
3 Complete a veteran game of Pest Control. Requires level 100 combat.
4 Catch a dashing kebbit. Requires level 69 hunter and you'll need 500 coins.
5 Complete a lap of the Ape Atoll Agility Course. Requires the completion of Monkey Madness and level 48 agility. You'll need a ninja monkey greegree.
6 Chop and burn some mahogany logs on Ape Atoll. Requires the completion of Monkey Madness and level 50 in woodcutting and firemaking. You'll need a tinderbox and an axe. Completion of Monkey Madness II is highly recommended for this task so that you can roam freely on Ape Atoll as a human without getting attacked by everything.
7 Mine some adamantite ore in Tirannwn. Requires the completion of Regicide, level 70 mining, and you'll need any pickaxe.
8 Check the health of your palm tree in Lletya. Requires you to start Mourning's End Part I and level 68 farming. You'll need a palm sapling if you haven't planted one already.15 papayas is recommended to pay the farmer so that your sapling doesn't get diseased/die.
9 Claim a Chompy bird hat from Rantz after registering at least 300 kills. Requires the completion of Big Chompy Bird Hunting and you'll need the ogre bellows, an ogre bow, and ogre arrows if you haven't gotten 300 chompy kills yet.
10 Build an Isafdar painting in your POH Quest Hall. Requires the completion of Roving Elves and level 65 construction. You'll need 3 mahogany planks, a hammer, a saw, and an Isafdar painting.
11 Kill Zulrah. Requires you to start Regicide. There are no skill requirements by having a high magic or ranged level is recommended. You'll need good magic or ranging gear.
12 Teleport to Ape Atoll. Requires you to have freed Awowogei in Recipe for Disaster and have level 64 magic. You'll need 2 law runes, 2 fire runes, 2 water runes, and a banana.
13 Pickpocket a gnome. Requires the completion of Tree Gnome Village and level 75 thieving.



Mourning's End Part I, Underground Pass, and Big Chompy Bird Hunting.

85 Fletching, 93 Slayer, 75 Farming, 85 Agility, 40 Combat, 42 Attack, 42 Strength, 42 Defence, 42 Hitpoints, 42 Ranged, 42 Magic, 22 Prayer, and 85 Thieving.

Magic Longbow (u), Bow String, Combat Equipment, Magic Seed or Sapling, 25 Coconuts, 5 Box Traps, and a Complete Void Knight set.

Western banner 4(Unlimited teleports to the Piscatoris Fishing Colony), all Hard Diary rewards, 1 Antique lamp worth 50,000 experience in any skill at or above 70, 2 chompy birds will always appear when Chompy bird hunting., Chance of receiving a chompy chick pet when chompy bird hunting, Increased Slayer points from Nieve/Steve (to match Duradel), 150 free Ogre Arrows every day from Rantz, and one free resurrection per day at Zulrah.


Task Number Command What To Do
1 Fletch a magic longbow in the Elven lands. Requires the completion of Mourning's End Part I and level 85 fletching. You'll need a magic longbow (u) and a bow string.
2 Kill the Thermonuclear smoke devil. Requires level 93 slayer. You'll need weapons and armor.
3 Have Prissy Scilla protect your magic tree. Requires level 75 farming. You'll need 1 magic seed or sapling and 25 coconuts.
4 Use the Elven overpass advanced cliffside shortcut. Requires the completion of Underground Pass and level 85 agility.
5 Equip any complete void set. Requires level 40 combat and level 42 in attack, defence, strength, magic, hit points, ranged, and prayer. You'll need a full void knight set which includes a top, robe, gloves and either a magic, ranged, or melee helm.
6 Claim a Chompy bird hat from Rantz after registering at least 1,000 kills. Requires the completion of Big Chompy Bird Hunting, level 5 fletching, and 30 ranged. You'll need the ogre bellows, an ogre bow, and ogre arrows.
7 Pickpocket an elf. Requires the completion of Mourning's End Part I and level 85 thieving.
If you ever lose your Western Banner, you can speak to the Gnome Child near the Spirit Tree in the Gnome Stronghold to obtain another.

This Old School Minigame Guide was written by L1ttleR3d.
This Old School Minigame Guide was entered into the database on Sat, Mar 11, 2017, at 11:59:21 PM by L1ttleR3d, and it was last updated on Sun, Mar 19, 2017, at 01:44:39 AM by L1ttleR3d.

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