Combat Effects:
Damage Accuracy
912 0

Strength Magic Ranged Necromancy
0.0 0.0 0.0 Unknown

Attributes Armour Life Bonus Prayer Bonus
0 0 0

Styles Class Attack Style Attack Speed
Ranged Bolt N/A
99 Ranged; 92 Magic to make.
Where Found:
Player Made (See Notes).
Item Uses:
Crossbow ammunition.
Pearl bakriminel bolts (e) are made by using enchanting Pearl bakriminel bolts with the Enchant crossbow bolt spell. Casting this spell requires 10 bolts, 2 Water runes, 1 Cosmic runes, and 1 Blood rune. You will gain 122.5 Magic experience.

Enchanting the bolt grants it the "Sea Curse" ability - a 5% chance to perform 15% more damage to enemies weak to water and 15% less on enemies weak to fire. Turns off opponents run in PvP.
0 kg
Examine Information:
Enchanted pearl tipped bakriminel bolts. Item bonus: Sea Curse - 5% chance to perform 15% more damage to enemies weak to water and 15% less on enemies weak to fire. Turns off opponents run in PvP.

This Data was submitted by: ChathMurrpau

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