City Entrance and Swan Song Quest Start:
This is the entrance to the city. To the south you will find the start point of the Swan Song quest. After the Swan Song quest, you may talk to Franklin Caranos, wandering around near the entrance, and supply him with more sheets of Iron from the press. He will pay you 20 coins for each sheet.
Metal Press:
Here, you will find the metal press, used during the Swan Song quest. This building also houses a small furnace.
Skeleton Mages:
This house contains a washbasin and Skeleton mages (level 83).
Here, you will find a sink and a range.
Skeleton Mages:
In this house, you will find Skeleton mages (level 83) and a washbasin.
General Store And Bank:
This building houses both Piscatoris' general store and bank.
Fishing Area:
Here, you can fish Monkfish, Swordfish, and Tuna. The northwest fishing area is where you fish for Monkfish during the Swan Song quest.
Seaweed Respawns:
Here, you can collect Seaweed.
Herman Caranos:
This is where Herman Caranos is resides. He is the leader of the Piscatoris Colony, and plays an important role in the Swan Song quest.
Mining Area:
Southwest of the Colony, you can find a mining area. This mine area contains two Clay, two Tin, two Copper and three Iron rocks.
Fairy Ring and a Yew Tree:
This is where the Fairy Ring is located. You must have to completed A Fairy Tale Part II - Cure a Queen before you can use the ring. You will also need a Dramen staff or a Lunar staff equipped to use the ring. The code to get to this area from Zanaris is AKQ. South of the Fairy ring, you will find one Yew tree.
Hunting Area:
The Fishing Colony is also north of a Hunting area, containing Chinchompas, Common Kebbits, Copper Longtails, Ferrets, Prickly Kebbits, Rabbits, Razor-backed Kebbits, Ruby Harvests, and Wild Kebbits. For more information, please refer to the Hunter skill guide.
Summoning Obelisk:
Just outside of the Colony, you will find a Summoning Obelisk. This obelisk is very close to Piscatoris' bank, making it a great spot to train Summoning. For more information, please refer to the Summoning skill guide.
Phoenix Lair:
Once you have completed the In Pyre Need quest, you gain access to the phoenix cave which is located southwest of the Piscatoris Fishing Colony. At the end of the cave, there is a Phoenix (level 235), which you may kill once per day. For more information about the Phoenix, refer to the In Pyre Need quest guide.
This City/Area Guide was written by Blazedman, Scorchy_Devil, and Hilwin1. Thanks to Mythiquedame, Alfawarlord, DarkBlitz, Fireball0236, KingSahid, Radmite, Realruth, XxAdamxX, uknowme60, and Hilwin1 for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Sat, Feb 10, 2007, at 12:49:28 PM by Alk12, and it was last updated on Tue, Jan 11, 2011, at 12:18:56 PM by Alfawarlord.
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