Once you have visited Anachronia, you will be able to build/activate the lodestone and return here via the lodestone network or continued use of the ship.
Alternatively, you can use your Slayer cape perk to teleport to Laniakea's secondary location in the South Eastern ruins.
Each of the specific excavation areas have a Teleportation device. This can be used to quickly return to each area from the Anachronia Base Camp once you have activated the teleportation device at each one. See each section of the guide for how to unlock these devices (Crypt device, Outpost device, Moksha device, Xolo City device).
Archaeologist | Associate Colette | Mr. Mordaut | Professor Alfredo | ||||
Professor Alfredo (Salamander) | Professor Salamander | Sharrigan |

Orthen is a large dig site spanning several areas across the Island of Anachronia. It can be Excavated starting at level 90, after you obtain an invitation, and its last Hotspots can be accessed at level 120. There are a total of 5 different Cache types, 8 Research locations, and 8 Mysteries.
The sections below will give you details concerning each section of the dig site.
The Base Camp area has no Hotspots, Cache, Research, or Mysteries. The Archaeologist workbench and a Material storage container can be found just outside the Town Hall. To access the Hotspots, Cache, Research, and Mysteries associated with Orthen for the first time, you will need to walk to the sites with or without using the Agility course. Once you have unlocked the teleports to the specific locations, you can use the Orthen teleportation device near the Dragonkin statue at the center of the Base Camp. The sections of this guide have been separated into sections based upon these teleport locations. Note that to unlock and use the teleportation ability, you must first and foremost speak to Mr. Mordaut then activate the Base Camp device by clicking on it.

Similar to the Pylon battery received at Kharid-et, while Excavating at the Orthen site you will occasionally obtain Rex skeleton fragments. These fragments are used to complete the Rex skeleton, Osseous, just South West of Mr. Mordaut. Note that the fragments cannot be banked. When fully built, Osseous will roar and activate a boost for 66 minutes wherein you will experience the following boosts while on Anachronia:
+25% Experience
+10% Drop Rate
Each fragment accounts for 0.001% completion (100,000 total needed to activate the buff). When helping to complete the skeleton, will earn you some experience (scaled to your Archaeology level) for each fragment. Contributing 10-99 fragments will earn you an extra 10% experience and contributing 100-1,000 will earn you 20% more - up to 1,000 fragments (1% restoration) can be added at one time. Note that the skeleton in all worlds share completion. The completion percentage can be checked by Right clicking it and choosing "Check restoration".
With the addition of Orthen, 5 new potions were added to the game. Similar to the Combination Potions, these recipes require that you discover a recipe before you can make them. Unlike Combination Potions, these recipes are obtained in 4 pieces while excavating specific Hotspots - fragments are always received in order from 1 to 4. These new potions include:
Hotspots | Archaeology Level to Obtain |
Recipe | Potion | Herblore Level to Make |
Varanusaur remains (90) Dragonkin reliquary (96) |
90 | Archaeology potion recipe | Archaeology potion | 78 |
Dragonkin coffin (99) Autopsy table (101) |
99 | Summoning renewal recipe | Summoning renewal | 88 |
Experiment workbench (102) Aughra remains (106) |
102 | Holy aggroverload recipe | Holy aggroverload | 98 |
Moksha device (108) Xolo mine (113) |
108 | Powerburst of opportunity recipe | Powerburst of opportunity | 103 |
Xolo remains (119) Saurthen debris (120) |
119 | Spirit attraction recipe | Spirit attraction potion | 116 |
To restore the recipes, simply have at least 1 of all 4 fragments for a specific recipe in your inventory. Click any of them to open the crafting interface. Here you will be able to choose the potion recipe you wish to make (if you have multiple in your inventory). Note that you only need 1 Crafting to combine the pieces and will earn 10 Crafting experience for doing so.
Recipe fragment pieces are not tradeable, however, the completed recipes are.

Click image for paths to the site.
The teleportation device at the Crypt of Varanus is the easiest to activate. You simply need to click on the device to activate it. The teleportation device is found just outside the actual Crypt, just to the South West of the entrance. See Teleport Node On for more details on how to unlock all of the teleportation devices at Orthen.
In the Crypt section of Orthen, you can find the following Hotspots:
Level | Hotspot | Artefacts | Materials | ||
Experience | Item | Experience | Item | ||
90 | Varanusaur remains | 603 | - Pasaha (damaged) - Ritual bell (damaged) |
54.2 | - Compass rose - Felt - Goldrune |
96 | Dragonkin reliquary | 770 | - Vazara (damaged) - Kilaya (damaged) |
69.3 | - Compass rose - Dragon metal - Goldrune |
99 | Dragonkin coffin | 904 | - Death mask (damaged) - Dragonkin calendar (damaged) - Dragonkin staff (damaged) |
81.3 | - Carbon black - Compass rose - Orgone - Soapstone |
In addition to Hotspots, there are 2 types of Cache located here. Collecting Materials from these caches will also give you soil. These Caches include the following:
Level | Material | Experience |
90 | Compass rose | 92.7 |
90 | Felt | 92.5 |
There are 2 Research locations within the Crypt of Varasaur. Keep in mind that you only need to have access to a Research Team to study the area. For the team to complete their research, however, you will need the appropriate level.
- Incomplete Portal Network I
- Requirement: 90 Archaeology
- Study: The Crypt of Varanus teleportation device.
- Rewards: 1,666 Archaeology experience and the ability to charge the teleportation device at the Observation Outpost
- Breath of Fire
- Requirement: 99 Archaeology
- Study: Funeral pyre at the center of the Crypt.
- Rewards: 28,750 Archaeology experience and Death mask (damaged)
There are 2 Mysteries which can be completed within the Crypt. For more information on how to complete these Mysteries, please see the Mysteries Special Report.
- Crypt O' Zoology
- Requirements: 90 Archaeology
- Basic Details: Obtain all 4 pages and speak to Mr. Mordaut
- Reward: 21,500 Archaeology experience
- Teleport Node On
- Requirements: 90 Archaeology, 70 Crafting, 70 Divination, 70 Runecrafting, completion of Know Thy Treasure, and the Crypt of Varanus Teleportation Device unlocked
- Basic Details: Completely unlock all of the Teleportation Devices associated with Orthen
- Reward: 3,000 Divination (unlock Crypt device), 3,000 Runecrafting (unlock Outpost device), 3,000 Crafting (unlock Moksha device), 3,000 Divination (unlock Xolo City device), and 35,000 Archaeology experience (completion)

Click image for paths to the site.
Before you can activate the teleportation device at the Observation Outpost (found just outside the excavation area), you must first complete the "Incomplete Portal Network I" Research. This can be unlocked by activating the teleportation device at the Crypt of Varanus. Completion of this mission will take a base time of 20 minutes.
Once the mission has been completed, you will need 20 unnoted Ancient vis to use on the teleportation device at the Observation Outpost. In addition to requiring 90 Archaeology, you will also need 70 Runecrafting. Using the Ancient vis on the teleportation device will unlock it as well as enable you to complete the "Incomplete Portal Network II" Research. See Teleport Node On for more details on how to unlock all of the teleportation devices at Orthen.
In the Observation Outpost section of Orthen, you can find the following Hotspots:
Level | Hotspot | Artefacts | Materials | ||
Experience | Item | Experience | Item | ||
101 | Autopsy table | 1,003 | - Dragon scalpel (damaged) - Protective goggles (damaged) |
90.2 | - Dragon metal - Felt - Orthenglass |
102 | Experiment workbench | 1,024 | - Dragon burner (damaged) - Orthenglass flask (damaged) |
92.1 | - Dragon metal - Orgone - Orthenglass |
In addition to Hotspots, there are 2 types of Cache located here. Collecting Materials from these caches will also give you soil. These Caches include the following:
Level | Material | Experience |
96 | Dragon metal | 92.7 |
90 | Felt | 92.5 |
There are 2 Research locations within the Outpost. Keep in mind that you only need to have access to a Research Team to study the area. For the team to complete their research, however, you will need the appropriate level.
- Incomplete Portal Network II
- Requirement: 90 Archaeology
- Study: The Observation Outpost teleportation device.
- Rewards: 3,333 Archaeology experience and the ability to charge the teleportation device at the Moksha Ritual Site
- Necropsy
- Requirement: 101 Archaeology
- Study: Autopsy table on the Western side of the excavation site.
- Rewards: 32,583 Archaeology experience and Dragon scalpel (damaged)
There are 2 Mysteries which can be completed within the Observation Outpost. For more information on how to complete these Mysteries, please see the Mysteries Special Report.
- Know Thy Measure
- Requirements: 90 Archaeology
- Basic Details: Input the correct codes to discover the Moksha Ritual Site
- Reward: 39,500 Archaeology experience and access to Moksha Ritual Site
- Death Watch
- Requirements: 101 Archaeology
- Basic Details: Obtain all 4 pages and speak to Mr. Mordaut
- Reward: 39,500 Archaeology experience
To enter this area of the Orthen site, you will first need to complete the "Know Thy Measure" Mystery.

Click image for paths to the site.
Before you can activate the teleportation device at the Moksha Ritual Site (found East of the door inside the excavation area), you must first complete the "Incomplete Portal Network II" Research. This can be unlocked by activating the teleportation device at the Observation Outpost with 20 unnoted Ancient vis. Completion of this mission will take a base time of 40 minutes.
Once the misson has been completed, you will need 90 Archaeology, 70 Crafting, and 20 unnoted Orthenglass to activate the device. Using the Orthenglass on the teleportation device will unlock it as well as enable you to complete the "Incomplete Portal Network III" Research. See Teleport Node On for more details on how to unlock all of the teleportation devices at Orthen.
In the Moksha Ritual Site section of Orthen, you can find the following Hotspots:
Level | Hotspot | Artefacts | Materials | ||
Experience | Item | Experience | Item | ||
106 | Aughra remains | 1,217 | - Meditation pipe (damaged) - Personal totem (damaged) - Singing bowl (damaged) |
109.6 | - Carbon black - Compass rose - Dragon metal - Orgone |
108 | Moksha device | 1,320 | - Lingam stone (damaged) - Master control (damaged) |
118.9 | - Carbon black - Compass rose - Orgone |
In addition to Hotspots, there are 2 types of Cache located here. Collecting Materials from these caches will also give you soil. These Caches includes the following:
Level | Material | Experience |
99 | Carbon black | 92.8 |
99 | Orgone | 92.8 |
There are 2 Research locations within this section of Orthen. Keep in mind that you only need to have access to a Research Team to study the area. For the team to complete their research, however, you will need the appropriate level.
- Incomplete Portal Network III
- Requirement: 90 Archaeology
- Study: The Moksha Ritual Site teleportation device.
- Rewards: 5,000 Archaeology experience and the ability to charge the teleportation device at Xolo City
- Mind Your Head
- Requirement: 108 Archaeology
- Study: Moksha device at the center of the excavation site.
- Rewards: 46,547 Archaeology experience and Master Control (damaged)
There are 2 Mysteries which can be completed within the Moksha Ritual Site. For more information on how to complete these Mysteries, please see the Mysteries Special Report.
- Free Your Mind
- Requirements: 106 Archaeology
- Basic Details: Obtain all 4 pages and speak to Mr. Mordaut
- Reward: 51,500 Archaeology experience
- Fragmented Memories
- Requirements: 108 Archaeology, 86 Hunter, and completion of Know Thy Measure
- Basic Details: Solve puzzles to discover Xolo City
- Reward: 56,500 Archaeology experience and access to Xolo City
To enter this area of the Orthen site, you will first need to complete the "Fragemented Memories" Mystery. Once this is completed, bring a restored Lingham stone to the entrance of the site and interact with the door (first step of "Mysterious City").

Click image for paths to the site. Note that you can also reach this site quickly by using a Slayer cape to teleport to Laniakea.
Before you can activate the teleportation device at Xolo City (found West of the entrance/stairs), you must first complete the "Incomplete Portal Network III" Research. This can be unlocked by activating the teleportation device at the Moksha Ritual Site. Completion of this mission will take a base time of 60 minutes.
Once the mission has been completed, you will need 20 unnoted Quintessence to use on the teleportation device at Xolo City. In addition to requiring 90 Archaeology, you will also need 70 Divination. See Teleport Node On for more details on how to unlock all of the teleportation devices at Orthen.
The Xolo City section of Orthen, you can find the following Hotspots:
Level | Hotspot | Artefacts | Materials | ||
Experience | Item | Experience | Item | ||
113 | Xolo mine | 1,524 | - Xolo hard hat (damaged) - Xolo pickaxe (damaged) |
137.2 | - Dragon metal - Goldrune - Orgone |
119 | Xolo remains | 1,801 | - Xolo shield (damaged) - Xolo spear (damaged) |
162 | - Dragon metal - Felt - Goldrune - Orgone |
120 | Saurthen debris | 1,869 | - Gold dish (damaged) - 'Raksha' idol (damaged) |
168.2 | - Dragon metal - Goldrune - Orgone |
In addition to Hotspots, there are 2 types of Cache located here. Collecting Materials from these caches will also give you soil. These Caches includes the following:
Level | Material | Experience |
96 | Dragon metal | 92.7 |
99 | Orgone | 92.8 |
There is 1 Research location within this section of Orthen. Keep in mind that you only need to have access to a Research Team to study the area. For the team to complete their research, however, you will need the appropriate level.
- Xolo Dorado
- Requirement: 120 Archaeology
- Study: Xolo Temple Pyramid at the South end of the Site.
- Rewards: 76,666 Archaeology experience and 'Raksha' idol (damaged)
There are 2 Mysteries which can be completed within Xolo City. For more information on how to complete these Mysteries, please see the Mysteries Special Report.
- I Am Become Death
- Requirements: 113 Archaeology
- Basic Details: Obtain all 4 pages and speak to Mr. Mordaut
- Reward: 67,000 Archaeology experience
- Mysterious City
- Requirements: 120 Archaeology and completion of Fragmented Memories
- Basic Details: Interact with the Xolo Temple to obtain more Energy
- Reward: 80,000 Archaeology experience and 150 additional Monolith energy
Unlike any of the other Orthen sites, Xolo city offers a single Gold ore rock from which to mine.
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