Located in the heart of Menaphos is the plaza. Despite not being one of the 4 Districts, it still has a few key features.
The easiest route to venture to the city can be found here at the Lodestone. As with all other lodestones, you must activate it before you can use it. It is recommended to activate it during The Jack of Spades.
Heart of the Plaza:
In the center of the Plaza we find a large statue in likeness of the Pharaoh. Around it we can find Challenge Mistress Rashida, the Impling collector, and several citizens.
Guarding the gates:
On the East side of the Plaza is Coenus, he stands guard of all those leaving Menaphos across the bridge to their neighboring city of Sophanem. Until completion of 'Phite Club, you will not be able to reenter Menaphos using the bridge.
South of the Plaza can be found the Port District. Here we find various oceanic trades taking place.

1. Traveling & Home 2. Music For Your Soul 3. Kitty 4. Charter & Fish 5. Shifting Tombs |
6. Pub 7. Smithing 8. Crafting 9. Player-Owned Ports |
10. Stranded Ship 11. Fishing Hotspot & Bank Access 12. Arc Crew 13. Mammoth |
Traveling & Home:
In the South Western corner of the district is a Player-Owned House portal and Portmaster Kags. Right clicking on him, you can travel to Crondis' pyramid, your Player-Owned slayer dungeon (Sunken Pyramid), Pollnivneach, Nardah, Heart of Gielinor, Dominion Tower, Exiled Kalphite Hive, and the Jalsavrah Pyramid (Pyramid Plunder).
Music for Your Soul:
Slightly North East of the portal can be found a Musician where you can rest to regain your health and energy. This is also where the Soul Obelisk will spawn within the Port district.
In the building directly East of this location is Oedipuss. He is locked within the house and is only accessible to those with tier 5 Port reputation or higher.
Charter & Fish:
North of these buildings are trader crew members and their charter ship that can transport you to various locations throughout Gielinor including: Oo'glog, Catherby, Port Phasmatys, and several others. In this area, you will also find a couple of bait fishing spots where you can catch Desert sole, catfish, and beltfish.
Shifting tombs:
Directly East of Portmaster Kags is the Port District entrance to Shifting Tombs. You can choose to enter the lobby area directly or you can right click it and quick travel to one of the other districts.
In the building North of the Shifting Tombs entrance is the Golden Scarab Inn. Inside you can find the Bartender (Golden Scarab Inn), a Musician, and the District leader, 'Admiral' Wadud. Outside, you can find Danlozep, who can assign City Quest tasks.
North of the Pub, with Rhotep, is a forge and anvil that you can use freely to Smith items. Thankfully, neither these, nor the next point, are locked behind quests or reputation.
East of the Pub you can find 3 looms and spinning wheels for your Crafting needs. In the nearby alleyway, you will find Henutemipet who is able to assign you City Quest tasks.
Player-Owned Ports:
South of the Looms and spinning wheels is a portal which you can use to access your Player-Owned Port.
Stranded Ship:
Along the Southernmost dock, you can find several people whom have been stranded on the docks. They include: Sensei Hakase, Hieromonk Genjiro, Hisamitsu, Adorice Haruko, and Riddler crab, Tuai Leit Gem Trader, Aminishi Gem Trader, or Gullible tourist.
Fishing Hotspot & Bank Access:
On the South Eastern dock, you will find a Fisherman, for Fish Flingers, and a few fishing spots. When you have achieved tier 2 Port reputation you will gain access to the deposit box. And once you achieve tier 6, the deposit box will become a bank chest.
Arc Crew:
West of the North Eastern Port district dock, you can find Meena's fishing store. There you can buy and sell several fishing supplies including the local caught fish. On the North Eastern dock is your Wushanko and Uncharted Isles crew.
On the Northernmost edge of the Port district, we can see Makhredrup and his pet... Mammoth, Raja. While you can do no more than poke and examine Raja, Makhredrup is able to assign you City Quest tasks.
Directly West of the Main Plaza of Menaphos is the Imperial District, the hub of the Menaphite elite and government officials.

1. Musician, Altar, & a Fairy Ring 2. Kitty 3. Houses |
4. Golden Palace 5. Commander 6. Grand Library & Bank Access |
7. Shifting tombs and More 8. VIP 9. Cacti Farming |
Musician, Altar, & a Fairy Ring:
To the far West reaches of the district we find a fountain. With a Soul talisman, Soul tiara, or Wicked hood with the Soul rune unlocked, you can drain the fountain and gain access to the Soul altar. North of the fountain is fairy code C-K-Q. And on the Southern edge of it you can find a Musician where you can rest to heal and regain your energy faster.
In the house farthest to the North West, you will find Qat locked within; only accessible to those with tier 5 Imperial reputation or higher.
Spanning the rest of the Western Imperial District are various houses. These may contain ranges or one of the contacts for City Quests, depending on which house you enter.
Golden Palace:
In the heart of the Imperial district is the Golden Palace. The entrance can be found on the mid-Eastern wall at the top of some stairs. Within the Palace you will find: Acenath, Ambassador Jabari, Anhur, Bes,Eshe, Menaphite royal guard, Osman (after 'Phite Club), Pharaoh, Selma, and Sergeant Wadjmos
Just outside the Golden Palace entrance stands Commander Akhomet, the district leader, and a few of her guards.
Grand Library & Bank Access:
South of Akhomet you will find the entrance to the Grand library. Within it is Kohnen, several books that you can read, the Sundial from the Golden Path Challenge, and, after partial completion of Our Man in the North, Aristarchus. Outside of the library entrance you can find a deposit box when you have gained tier 2 Imperial reputation. When you gain tier 6, it will upgrade to a bank chest.
Shifting tombs and More:
East of the Library entrance are several key points. First is that this is the location where the Soul Obelisk will appear when active in the Imperial District. Slightly farther East is the entrance to Shifting Tombs. You can choose to enter the lobby area directly or you can right click it and quick travel to one of the other districts. And North of the Obelisk are 8 Acadia trees.
Even farther North of the Obelisk location is the VIP section. You can access this area when you have achieved tier 7 Menaphos city reputation. Inside you will find a bank chest, as well as 4 Acadia trees and 3 concentrated mineral deposits around a pool of water containing 3 fishing spots on the West side. Within the walls of the VIP area, you will also find Anukat and a Fisherman, for Fish Flingers.
Cacti Farming:
North West of the VIP area, you will find Zahra and a cactus patch. In order to use the patch, you will need to supply 12 Acadia logs to create a frame and to clear away the sandstone boulder.
In the North Western corner of Menaphos we find the Worker District. This is the backbone of the great city, without these people performing the manual labor, much of the city would not be as it is.

1. Altar 2. Dance 3. Shifting Tombs |
4. Smithing 5. Worker's Heart 6. Quarry |
7. Kitty 8. Crafting and More |
On the Western coastline, we find the Menaphite gardener, boats, tents, an altar, and what appears to be a sunken portion of the city.
On the Southern end of the beach is Kharl. He loves to dance and just can't stop, but that doesn't keep him, Danwad, and Tefibi (both to the East of him) from assigning City Quest tasks.
Shifting tombs:
North East of Kharl you will find the entrance to Shifting Tombs. You can choose to enter the lobby area directly or you can right click it and quick travel to one of the other districts. Near the entrance you can also find a well.
In the building North West of the Shifting Tombs entrance is an anvil. And just outside the building is a forge and Sennefer, who also assigns City Quest tasks. Note that neither the forge nor the anvil are locked behind specific reputation.
Worker's Heart:
Within the heart of the district is are a few notable features. Firstly, we find a firepit; This is not locked behind reputation so you can use it freely. Should you get tired running from your bank to the fire pit, you will also notice there is a Musician here where you can rest to regain your health and energy faster. Lastly, on the Western side of the firepit is Batal, the leader of the Worker District.
North of the firepit is a small quarry that contains mineral deposits and clay rocks.
In the house to the East of the quarry, you will find Shebit locked inside; only accessible to those with tier 5 Worker reputation or higher.
Crafting and More:
South of Shebit's home are a few key locations. In the first house South of it, we can find 2 potters wheels and a pottery oven to easily create urns using the local clay. On the East side of this building you will find a deposit box when you have tier 2 Worker reputation. When you have achieved tier 6, this deposit box will upgrade to a bank chest. Lastly, on the Northern side of the pottery building is where the Soul Obelisk will manifest when active in the Worker District.
On the Northern edge of the Plaza we find the Merchant District. Here is where the main hustle and bustle of the city happens.

On the Edge of the District:
In the North Western corner, near the Worker district, we find Menhet, who can assign City Quest tasks. Next to her is a fountain where you can collect water. And in the house to the West of her is the Apmeken amethyst; it is locked within the house and is only accessible on certain days.
The Vizier, Quest Starts, & a Crystal:
To the South East of the Worker District, we find Grand Vizier Ehsan's home. She is the Merchant District Leader and her home is where you can begin both Our Man in the North as well as 'Phite Club. Several of the homes surrounding this area contain ranges which you can use freely as they are not locked behind reputation requirements. And the house to the West of Grand Vizier Ehsan's home contains the Scabarite crystal; it is locked within the house and is only accessible on certain days.
Assistant Librarian & Bank Access:
North of Ehsan's home we can find Assistant Librarian Subotai, who will give you a Menaphos journal to keep records of the cats, bugs, and jewels found in and around the city. Near him you will also find a bank deposit box when you have achieved Tier 2 Merchant District Reputation; upon receiving Tier 6, the deposit box will become a bank chest.
Market and More:
In the heart of the Merchant District is the market. Here we find several shops including: a Silk stall, the Gem trader's stall, Qaseem's shoe store, the Lamp trader's stall, a general store, Nefertari's bread stall, the loyalty shop run by Wafa, Azibo (whom performs the same function as Diango and Ianto), and the Fish trader's stall. It is possible, when your Thieving level is high enough, to steal from both the silk and lamp stalls and the Marketeers wandering around. Within the market we can also find a musician, where you can rest to regain your health and energy faster, as well as the Soul Obelisk when it is active in the Merchant District.
Shifting tombs:
Toward the Eastern side of the market square is the entrance to Shifting Tombs. You can choose to enter the lobby area directly or you can right click it and quick travel to one of the other districts.
Bank & GE:
South of the Shifting Tombs entrance are banks and Grand Exchange locations, accessible once you reach Tier 1 Menaphos City Reputation. Due to the level of reputation needed, you should be able to use it once completing The Jack of Spades.
Summon the Obelisk:
In the North Eastern building of the market with Psamtik, you will find an obelisk where you can create Summoning pouches.
In the building to the East of the obelisk you will find Catsanova locked within; only accessible to those with tier 5 Merchant reputation or higher.
North of the city wall, and to the East of the gate, is a Rug merchant. Talking to him, you can pay for passage to Pollnivneach.
This City/Area Guide was written by ChathMurrpau.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Sat, Jun 17, 2017, at 11:54:20 PM by NarcanCowboy, and it was last updated on Thu, Nov 15, 2018, at 04:05:48 AM by Chath.
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