Kenton Decarte
Fremennik warrior
Wizard Chambers
Fremennik shipmaster
Father Urhney
the Lost City party (Archer, Monk, Warrior, and Wizard)
Leather gloves
Several plants where you can pick Nettles(these grow around the building where Father Urhney is).

This grapple shortcut once was the fastest way to get into Al Kharid. While the shortcut is now basically obsolete, it is still usable. To do so, you will need a Mithril grapple, a crossbow, 37 Ranged, 8 Agility, and 19 Strength.
Here we can find the reason the grapple shortcut is no longer particularly used. You do not need any special levels or equipment to cross from the swamp into Al Kharid from here. You can also find a Fremennik shipmaster who can transport you to Daemonheim and Wizard Chambers who can teleport you to Tuska's back, as well as a nearby Fremennik warrior.
Fishing spots:
South of the bridge are Net/Bait Fishing spots and a Fisherman for Fish Flingers.
East Mining area:
Nearby is an area for players with a lower Mining levels. You will find 5 Copper ore rocks and 5 Tin ore rocks. For more information, please see the Mining map.
The Nexus:
North of the Eastern Mine is Ysondria and The Nexus. It is a low-level Prayer activity that awards enough experience to easily level from 1-40. The aim of this activity is to collect corruption from the Nexus and use it with the bowls on the surrounding pillars to banish a creature known as the Grotesque. The Grotesque is the reason the swamp exists and is the source of the Wall beasts found in the dungeon beneath it. For more information on the Nexus, see our Prayer guide.
Father Urhney's house:
This is Father Urhney's house, and is accessed in both Restless Ghost as well as Buyers and Cellars. If your Ghostspeak amulet is lost or destroyed, Father Urhney will replace it for you. Around his house you will also find several plants that you can harvest Nettles from and inside on the table you can find a Leather gloves spawn.
Zanaris shed:
North of Father Urhney's house is the shed that can be used to teleport to the city of Zanaris, after completion of Lost City. If you wish to be transported you must enter it while wielding either a Dramen staff or a Lunar staff. Otherwise, nothing will happen and you will just enter the shed.
Lumbridge Swamp dungeon:
This is the entrance to the Lumbridge Swamp dungeon. One of the attractions of this dungeon is the Tears of Guthix activity (after completion of the Tears of Guthix quest). Make sure you bring a closed light source or else you will be constantly attacked. If it is an open light source, you have a chance to cause an explosion! Around the outside of the dungeon entrance can be found 7 Swamp tar spawns.
Lost City Quest Start:
South of the dungeon entrance is the start point for the Lost City quest. Speak to the Warrior to start it.
Shattered Worlds:
West of the Lost City party are the entrance portals to the Shattered World Minigame. Outside you can find a bank chest, Kenton Decarte who will explain the Shattered Worlds to you, and the Abyssal Knight Quartermaster who will sell you rewards for your participation in it.
West Mining area:
Farther West is an area for players with higher Mining levels. You will find 7 Coal rocks, 5 Mithril rocks, and 2 Adamantite ore rocks. For more information, please visit the Mining map.
Water altar:
Lastly we find the entrance to the Water Runecrafting Altar. To access it, you will need either a Water talisman, a Water tiara, a Water talisman staff, or a Wicked hood with the Water rune unlocked.
This City/Area Guide was written by ChathMurrpau. Thanks to previous guide writer: Canada Eh895, as well as Ralkal, Reggie_Bush, Darkblitz, Laiorai, Javezz, and Jarkur for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Wed, Aug 31, 2005, at 06:29:53 PM by Switcher, and it was last updated on Wed, Nov 08, 2017, at 01:34:06 AM by ChathMurrpau.
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