Just walk through here and you will be in the village. Enjoy your stay!
Generals' House:
You can find General Wartface, General Bentnoze and Grubfoot in here. They are goblins from the Goblin Diplomacy Quest. They are also found in Recipe for Disaster. This house contains chests and a goblin changing room. Unfortunately, the chests cannot be opened.
The sack is used during the Holy Grail Quest. This room is also used in the Recipe For Disaster Quest. The stairway leads down to a kitchen.
Note: The Kitchen is accessible to Members Only.
This kitchen is used in the Recipe For Disaster Quest. The 'Cook' is named Mudknuckles. Just outside of the kitchen, in the center of the village, you can find a fire that never goes out, great for cooking food on.
This City/Area Guide was written by DarkBlitz, and Hampster_Hat. Thanks to Im4eversmart, Scorchy_Devil, Cedros_Man, Andro_Girl, Maonzhi, Devildog, Alfawarlord, and MysticEchos for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Tue, Jul 05, 2005, at 03:51:27 PM by Im4eversmart, and it was last updated on Fri, Nov 02, 2012, at 03:30:17 PM by Javezz.
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