This is the boat that takes you to Port Sarim and back to Entrana.
Fishing Docks:
At the local fishing dock you can lure and bait fish. A little west of the fishing dock, you will find a Fishing rod respawn.
Hops Path:
Here, you will find Entrana's hops patch where you can grow all your hops. For more information, please refer to the Farming skill guide.
Herblore Store:
Frincos' Fabulous Herb Store is where you can buy your basic herblore equipment. Just outside of this store is a sand pit where you can fill up your buckets, to be used for Crafting. Inside of the shop are two empty Vial respawns, as well.
Here, you will find a furnace. The nearby sandpit and Seaweed respawns make this area a great place to craft Molten glass and glass items. There is also a glassblower teacher, named Fritz. In the house just west of the furnace, you will find a Glassblowing pipe respawn and a range to turn your Seaweed into Soda ash.
At the church of Saradomin, you will find an altar, monks, and the High Priest. Upstairs, there are more monks and a giant organ. This church play a role in the Devious Minds, the Desert Treasure, and the Holy Grail quest.
Fishing Spots:
Here is another fishing spot, where you can lure and bait fish.
Law Runecrafting Altar:
This is the Law altar entrance. Here, you will be able to craft law runes at level 54 Runecrafting. A few Unicorns wander around the altar.
Fire Bird:
Here we have 2 plank respawns and the Fire Bird, which is plays a key rol in the Heroes' Quest.
Entrana Dungeon:
The Entrana Dungeon on the island is accessed through this cave entrance, which is also used in the Lost City quest. It contains the Dramen tree, used in obtaining the Dramen staff. Once you enter this cave, you cannot get out unless you take the magical door, which leads to the level 32 Wilderness, or teleport.
Seaweed Spawns:
This is the largest area known that has 10 Seaweed spawns. Two respawns are out of reach but you can use the tele-grab spell to get them.
Hot-Air Balloon:
The Hot-air balloon area run by Auguste lets you explore certain areas for the price of only a few logs. To use this service you must have completed the Enlightened Journey quest. For more on hot-air balloon traveling, please refer to the Transportation Guide.
Respawn Map:
This City/Area Guide was written by Jakesterwars, and supercoolyo. Thanks to Pirate Bob, dravan, gondomwinges, QueenSteffie, Imortal God3, Scorchy_Devil, Mythiquedame, Meowmix686, Alk12, Chaosblade77, Alientech, Maonzhi, Darkblitz, Alfawarlord, Bammoxx, uknowme60, and Storm126 for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Thu, Apr 22, 2004, at 05:15:20 PM by Freakybat, and it was last updated on Mon, Mar 06, 2017, at 03:54:50 PM by Quick Art.
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