- Entrance:
In order to pass beyond these gates, you must have completed the Biohazard quest.
- Combat Dummies:
Here, you may attack training dummies which give you combat training experience points. You may only use these dummies if you have a low combat level.
- Armoury:
This shops contains a variety of ranged and melee based weaponry.
- Guard House:
- Ogre Training Area:
Here, you could attack Ogres by ranged, magic, and melee (only by using a halberd) combat. You may squeeze through the gate to enter the cage.
- Small Obelisk:
Here, you will find a small obelisk, which is only useful for recharging your Summoning points.
This City/Area Guide was written by Freakybat and uknowme60. Thanks to DRAVAN, chaosringerx, and MysticEchos for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Mon, May 24, 2004, at 12:42:01 PM by Freakybat, and it was last updated on Thu, Nov 11, 2010, at 02:31:33 AM by DRAVAN.
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