Quest Requirements:
Skill/Other Requirements:
Level 15 Attack
Level 25 Prayer
Be able to defeat a level 60 foe, and two level 30 foes using only Ranged or Magic.
Items Needed at Quest Start:
Items Needed to Complete Quest:
Light source, Magic or Ranged attack method, Armor, and a Weapon.
Items Recommended for Quest:
Tinderbox, Dorgesh-kaan sphere, Amulet of glory (4) or Lumbridge teleport method.
Items Acquired During Quest:
Trowel, Specimen brush, Artifact, Armour shard, Hatchet head, Helmet fragment, Mace, Shield fragment, Sword fragment, Dorgesh-kaan sphere, Goblin Village sphere, and an Ancient mace.
Quest Points:
3k Mining XP, 3k Prayer XP, Ancient goblin mace, Dorgesh-Kaan to Keldagrim train service, and the ability to buy Goblin Village teleport spheres.
Start Point:
Ur-Tag's house in Dorgesh-Kaan.
To Start:
Speak to either Ur-Tag or the Ambassador Alvijar.
  1. Head to Dorgesh-Kaan by talking to Kazgar near the Lumbridge cellar, then enter through the entrance to the south. Once in the city, go upstairs and talk to Ur-Tag in his house.

    Step 1

  2. He will tell you to go to where the train tracks are. They are found on the second floor in the southwest part of the city, after you go through a doorway (where the transportation icon is on the minimap).

    Step 2

  3. Once you reach the tracks, head south until you see some cave goblins. Talk to Tegdak and he will tell you that he wants you to help him extract and clean goblin fossils. He will give you a trowel and specimen brush.

    Step 3

  4. Look around the tunnel until you see an Artefact in the ground. Use your trowel to dig it up then bring it to the specimen table for cleaning. Repeat this process until you have a Mace, Armour shard, Shield fragment, Sword fragment, Axe head, and a Helmet fragment. Talk to Tegdak once you have the artifacts. He and Zanik will go through and evaluate each of them and then he will collect all of them from you but will give the mace to Zanik.

    Step 4

  5. You will now need to go talk to the Goblin scribe about the inscriptions on the mace. Zanik will need to follow you, as she has the mace on her. Head over to his house located slightly west of Ur-Tag's house and speak to him.

    Step 5

  6. The scribe will be unable to decipher the symbols on the mace so you will have to go talk with the generals in the Goblin Village. Zanik does not want to walk the whole way so you have to go talk to Oldak, a goblin located downstairs in the northwest corner of Dorgesh-Kaan.

    Step 6

  7. Oldak will make each of you a sphere that takes you to the Goblin Village, and one to take both of you back to Dorgesh-Kaan. You will automatically break the sphere and travel to the Goblin Village. Once there, talk to the generals.

    Step 7

  8. A long cutscene will ensue in which you will learn the origins of the mace and more history of the Dorgeshuun. As Zanik is addressing the tribe, some H.A.M snipers will appear. Go around the west side of the houses, then climb up the ladder. As soon as you are up, hide behind the crates. To the left, you will find a crossbow and bronze bolts. Grab them quickly then go back behind the crates.

  9. Equip the crossbow and kill the enemies. Focus on one enemy at a time, attacking quickly then hiding behind the crates while they fire back at you. Repeat this process until both have been killed. Sigmund will now appear and take Zanik away.

    Step 9

  10. Talk to the two sergeants location at the dungeon entrance in Lumbridge Swamp. Bring a light source and tinderbox (in case the light goes out).

    Step 10

  11. Enter the swamp dungeon and then climb down the ladder right behind you.

    Step 11

  12. Guards will begin to come after you and you will need to hide from them until they pass. Run to the corner of the tunnel and tell the sergeants to wait there, then get all the guards to attack them. Once all guards are attacking the sergeants, go to the end of the tunnel and go down the ladder.

    Note: If you are seen by the guards you will have to start over.

    Step 12

  13. Once down the ladder, you will see Sigmund attempting to have Zanik run over by the train. You will now need to fight him. He will start out praying so you will need to use the Ancient mace's special attack to drain all of his prayer. Once that is down you will be free to melee, range, or mage him. Once he is near death he will teleport away.

    Step 13

  14. Untie Zanik and the train will come, just narrowly missing her. You will then see a cut scene of the grand opening of the Keldagrim-Dorgesh-Kann Train Line. You can use ride the train between the two cities at any time.

    Step 14

    Congratulations! Quest Complete!

    Quest Complete

This Old School Quest Guide was written by Brenden and budmash. Thanks to Im4eversmart, McSwindler, and Storm for corrections.
This Old School Quest Guide was entered into the database on Tue, Apr 24, 2007, at 07:10:13 PM by Im4eversmart, and it was last updated on Tue, Feb 14, 2017, at 12:25:14 AM by L1ttleR3d.

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