People Locations
- Portmaster Kags
- Port district musician
- Oedipuss
- Charnak
- Strykewyrm Jim
- Adoratice Haruko, Hisamitsu, Hieromonk Genjiro, Sensei Hakase, and Aminishi gem trader/Gullible Tourist/Riddler crab/Tuai Leit gem trader
- Olivia (Menaphos) and Lokkir
- Captain Harkhebi
- 'Admiral' Wadud (Ports) and Bartender (Golden Scarab Inn)
- Pub musician
- Danlozep
- Henutemipet
- Rhotep
- Meena
- Bosun Higgs, Flippers McGraw (if he has joined your Arc crew), Lookout Ekahi, Navigator Jemi, and Quartermaster Gully
- Makhredrup and Raja
- Imperial district musician and Tefimhet
- Sabrina and Jhonatan
- Banafrit
- Qat
- Amunemen
- Acenath, Ambassador Jabari, Anhur, Bes,Eshe, Menaphite royal guard, Osman, Pharaoh, Selma, and Sergeant Wadjmos
- Commander Akhomet
- Zahra
- Aristarchus and Kohnen the librarian
- Anukat
- Menaphite gardener
- Kharl
- Danwad
- Tefibi
- Batal and Worker district musician
- Sennefer
- Inhamat
- Shebit
- Khamud
- Malala
- Menhet
- Grand Vizier Ehsan and Grand Vizier Hassan
- Assistant Librarian Subotai
- Urluk
- Lisah
- Gem trader (Menaphos)
- Qaseem
- Lamp trader and Pia
- Psamtik
- Rug merchant (Menaphos)
- Catsanova
- Khattak
- Imhapi
- Nefertari
- Azibo
- Fish trader, Wafa, and Merchant district musician
- Septhys
These people can be found within any district of Menaphos, or just outside the gates in the case of The Postcat.
- Blanchy
- Fenekh
- Hetepheres
- Lucifurr
- Menaphite accountant
- Menaphite architect
- Menaphite beggar
- Menaphite citizen
- Menaphite dentist
- Menaphite embalmer
- Menaphite forge worker
- Menaphite guard
- Menaphite military recruiter
- Menaphite perfume seller
- Menaphite plover herder
- Nodjmet
- Takhuit
- The Postcat
There are also 2 Spawing locations that are usually locked. You will need to check back periodically to see if the door is unlocked as there is no set pattern to when it will be open.
- A - Apmeken amethyst
- B - Scabarite crystal
This Map was written by ChathMurrpau.
This Map was entered into the database on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 10:54:07 PM by ChathMurrpau, and it was last updated on Sun, Feb 02, 2020, at 07:30:17 PM by Chath.
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