Fremennik ship:
There are two ships to Daemonheim located behind Al Kharid and Taverley bank, both of which will take you to Daemonheim for free.
Wilderness Entrance:
This is the Daemonheim entrance from the Wilderness and the exit to it. You cannot enter Daemonheim through here while in combat and it is not recommended to travel to Daemonheim via this way as the Fremennik boats are completely safe and easily accessible.
Thok and Rewards trader:
Thok is the Master of Dungeoneering and will sell you the Dungeoneering skillcape once you have reached 99 Dungeoneering and the Dungoneering master cape at 120. Along with him you can find his brother Marmaros, who is the Dungeoneering Rewards trader and is where you can spend your tokens.
Using the tokens awarded for completing Dungeoneering floors, you can buy various rewards ranging from skilling items to weapons and shields. For a detailed list of rewards, see the Dungeoneering guide.
Here you can access your bank and Grand Exchange collection box.
Dungeoneering Tutor:
The Dungeoneering Tutor will explain how to train Dungeoneering and about the varied types of dungeons. You can also view the letters, notes and journals you have collected while Dungeoneering through him.
The lobby is where the different types of dungeon barriers (entrances to dungeons) are located.
Types of Dungeons:
Abandoned 1
Abandoned 2
There are no requirements to access Free-For-All. The Free-For-All dungeon barrier is located between the stairs in the lobby.
The Frozen floors are the first and lowest theme starting at 1 Dungeoneering and Floor 1.
Abandoned 1:
Abandoned 1 floors are the second highest theme and start at 23 Dungeoneering and Floor 12.
Furnished floors are the third highest theme and start at 35 Dungeoneering and Floor 18.
Abandoned 2:
Abandoned 2 floors are the fourth highest theme and start at 59 Dungeoneering and Floor 30.
Occult floors are the second highest Dungeoneering theme and start at 71 Dungeoneering and Floor 36.
Warped floors are the highest Dungeoneering theme and start at 95 Dungeoneering and Floor 48.
Party Dungeon Entrance:
If you have formed a Dungeoneering party then this is where you will enter to start your dungeon.
After you have freed Skaldrun from the Frozen floors (requires 6 Dungeoneering and a Complexity of 2 or higher to discover him), he can be found northwest of Thok. Speak to him here and he will offer to tell you a story about Daemonheim. These are the Fremennik Saga's and allow you to play as various characters within Skaldrun's stories.
Talsar is a Fremennik seer who is able to forsee when one of Bilrach's resource dungeons has been uncovered. These dungeons are part of the Sinkholes Distraction and Diversion that take place in various across RuneScape once every hour and awards Dungeoneering experience based upon your Dungeoneering level and the number of objectives completed. Talsar will tell you when a sinkhole is about to appear and teleport you to its location. For more information, see our Sinkholes guide.
Resource Dungeon:
This is the Daemonheim resource dungeon. It requires level 30 Dungeoneering to access and grants 2,400 Dungeoneering experience when first used. The dungeon itself is actually an island just south of the Daemonheim peninsula and is the only location free-to-play players can cut maple trees.
This City/Area Guide was written by Mimz and Javezz. Thanks to Norway007 for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Sat, Oct 30, 2010, at 05:49:38 PM by Mimz, and it was last updated on Thu, Mar 28, 2013, at 10:19:22 PM by Javezz.
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