Unfortunately, the pub in this town does not have anything to sell, owing to the fact that the bar pumps are completely wrecked. However, the basement of the building becomes the new Myreque hideout after the In Aid of the Myreque quest.
General Store:
This building houses the general store. It does not have much in stock, but still serves as a good place to sell items, especially if you haven't applied Serum 207 to Razmire in Mort'ton. Before you can access the shop, you must repair the building and collect some supplies.
The Burgh de Rott bank is quite useful, as is much closer to Mort'ton, the Haunted Mine and the Barrows than the Canifis Bank. This makes it a good base of operations for burning shades in Mort'ton mining in the Haunted Mine. Before you can use the bank, you must repair the building and the bank booth, and recruit one of the locals to work there. This bank is also used to trade in your Reward tokens from the Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble mini-game.
Here, you will find the furnace which is not too far from the bank, making a good place to trian your Smithing skill. Before you can use it, however, you must repair and light it.
Along the docks and coast, you will find many Net/Harpoon fishing spots. There are also several everlasting fires inside some of the houses to cook your fish on. This makes it a good place to fish for and cook Raw shark. In one of the sheds, you will find a small boat that needs repairs. During the Darkness of Hallowvale you must repair it to reach the Sanquinesti region.
To the east of the town, there are many Vampire Juveniles, Juvinates, and Vyrewatch. The Vampire Juveniles and Juvinates can be fought (but not killed) with a Silver sickle, and killed using the Rod of Ivandis and the Guthix balance potion. The Vyrewatch can only be hurt with the Ivandis flail, obtained in the Legacy of Seergaze quest.
Mort'ton And Small Obelisk:
Across the bridge; lays the village of Mort'ton. To the west of the bridge, you will find a small obelisk. This obelisk is only useful for recharging your Summoning points.
Haunted Mine:
On the western side of the town, there is a low fence you can jump over, and a path that leads to the Haunted Mine. This mine consists of Clay, Copper, Tin, Iron, Silver, Coal, Mithril and Adamantite rocks. To access most of the higher level ores, you will need the Crystal mine key. This is also a faster way into the swamps, and the Nature Prayer Altar than walking through Mort'ton. .
Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble:
Here, you may start the Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble mini-game, in which you have to escort the people to the Temple on the river Salve. To start the mini-game, talk to either Dalcian Fang, Fyiona Fray, Valantay Eppel, Jayene Kliyn, Smiddi Ryak, or Rolayne Twickit.
Item Respawn Map:
This City/Area Guide was written by Rosco_Joe. Thanks to Rohan, Belgarath, bsalt1, Kuramawhip, Fivestar24, Shinraz, Fireball0236, watsermetjou, Gondomwing, halk_5, Eragon7985, Hilwin1, nickstud, diamondi3ack, Alfawarlord, Crablogger, and ksb single for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Mon, Jun 19, 2006, at 08:16:51 PM by Rohan, and it was last updated on Tue, Apr 01, 2014, at 03:28:38 PM by Javezz.
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