Combat Effects:
Damage Accuracy
96 202

Strength Magic Ranged Necromancy
Unknown, please submit. Unknown, please submit. Unknown, please submit. Unknown, please submit.

Attributes Armour Life Bonus Prayer Bonus
0 0 0

Styles Class Attack Style Attack Speed
Melee Stabbing Fastest
15 Smithing to make, 10 Attack to wield.
Where Found:
Respawns inside the Goblin House in the Lumbridge area; northwest corner of Graveyard of Shadows in the Wilderness. Player made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild and the Sword Store in Varrock; Possible monster drop.
Item Uses:
Wield for combat.
This item can be made by using one iron bar on an anvil while having a hammer in your inventory or toolbelt.
0.4 kg
Examine Information:
Short but pointy.
Dropped By:

This Data was submitted by: The Baconer, Poison, CrazedFred, Sharqua, Weezy, King olo, MarilynManson, xxcrinkxx, all__in, napalm666, pokemama, Bob, Ju Juitsu, whoseyrdaddy, Watsermetjou, Sheep01, Raniff, Jakesterwars, Sweetneat, Ksb Single, and Rooskii

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