Combat Effects:
Damage Accuracy
1564 1486

Strength Magic Ranged Necromancy
0.0 0.0 0.0 Unknown, please submit.

Attributes Armour Life Bonus Prayer Bonus
0 0 0

Styles Class Attack Style Attack Speed
Melee Crushing Average
70 Attack and 70 Strength.
Where Found:
The Bloodied kyzaj is a quest reward for completing The Mighty Fall quest and is given if you choose to slay Zanik.
Item Uses:
Wield for combat.
If you choose not to slay Zanik you will receive a Honourable kyzaj. If lost, you can retrieve the item from Zarador in Yu'biusk and giving him 100,000 coins. He will also let you swap your Bloodied weapon for a Honourable one. You can add a Bandos hilt to it to create a Superior bloodied kyzaj.
10 kg
Examine Information:
A ceremonial Bandosian weapon, wielded by champions with blood on their hands.

This Data was submitted by: Deimos XD

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