Max Hit:
Examine Information:
In rock form: A rock.
Out of rock form: It wasn't a rock... it was a rock lobster!
100% Drop:
Rare Drop Table:
Additional drops can be obtained from the Rare Drop Table.
All Possible Loot:
These monsters start out as large rocks on the ground, much like Rock Crabs. When you walk next to one, it will attack! Be sure to take Prayer potions and food when going through the Waterbirth Island Dungeon, as there are many creatures that attack with many different methods.

This Data was submitted by: WindGodX, chris j y, sksfrontiers, Histed, Aceface, Tennerel, XxMattxX, Raggs Spunge, Nickstud, JoeC, TSA Sif, and Jarkur.

If anything is incorrect or missing, or if you have any new information to submit to this database, please submit it to us on our Content Submissions Forums.

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