TzHaar City under the Karamja volcano on Musa Point.
Max Hit:
Examine Information:
The Mej caste protect the TzHaar using powerful fire magic.
100% Drop:
Rare Drop Table:
Additional drops can be obtained from the Rare Drop Table.
All Possible Loot:
Air rune (20, 25, 40) Blood rune (3) Chaos rune (5, 13) Death rune (1-3)
Earth rune (25, 30) Fire rune (23, 25, 59) Lava rune (30, 34) Law rune (6)
Nature rune (2) Obsidian cape Obsidian charm Pure essence (8 Noted)
Ring of stone Smoke rune (4-7) Tokkul (1-1000) Toktz-mej-tal Obsidian staff
This monster switches between magic and melee. When it uses magic, it can hit very hard. Using protect from magic when fighting this monster is recommended.

This Data was submitted by: Demonichell, Areuhavinfun, TheRulnig, dude555, Fbrink 144, mstreefland, midgeton, jsw37, shade_55440, AKAslammer, Burnout_360, lilsmartrat, liver2001, isaac412567, Nickstud, Jesse, Motion Man, Hilwin1, Ralkal, Mr Tudjay, celticmonstr, and Ksb Single.

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